I am trying to set up the uga_tum_ardrone by starting to takeoff the drone. I start as it is stated in the readme:
$ roslaunch uga_tum_ardrone ardrone_driver.launch
$ roslaunch uga_tum_ardrone uga_tum_ardrone.launch
and then I try to send the takeoff command to the /uga_tum_ardrone/com topic by doing:
$ rostopic pub /uga_tum_ardrone/com std_msgs/String "c takeoff"
but nothing happens. Am I missing something obvious? I can command the drone without problems using the GUI, so I really do not understand what I am doing wrong.
Any clue?
Thx in advance.
Josep Arnau
Hi, I am trying to set up the uga_tum_ardrone by starting to takeoff the drone. I start as it is stated in the readme: $ roslaunch uga_tum_ardrone ardrone_driver.launch $ roslaunch uga_tum_ardrone uga_tum_ardrone.launch and then I try to send the takeoff command to the /uga_tum_ardrone/com topic by doing: $ rostopic pub /uga_tum_ardrone/com std_msgs/String "c takeoff" but nothing happens. Am I missing something obvious? I can command the drone without problems using the GUI, so I really do not understand what I am doing wrong. Any clue? Thx in advance. Josep Arnau