thingco / shared-frontend-libs

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chore: round of renaming #102

Open DanCouper opened 2 years ago

DanCouper commented 2 years ago

This commit is the start of getting this repo into a sensible shape, building upon lessons learnt from building out the authentication and the newer shell of the data-transformers library.

NOTE that this doesn't change how anything works. The renamed folders still have the same actual names in their package.json files, so publishing should be completely unaffected. And the existing versions are still available from ThingCo's GH packages, so everything will continue to work exactly as it does atm.

Removed all scripts from root; no longer really needed. The library are published as Typescript and do not require a build step. Mostly of the remaining scripts are just aliases, and the aliases go out of date, so nix them. Because no longer any global scripts, the ./scripts folder + the dependency on zx can both be excised

The component libraries need serious work, so freeze dev on the existing ones (mark as deprecated as well) bar hotfixes as get things into place.

Also, create an apps directory at root. This is a place to build out and dogfood the other libs: going forward move (for example) the theme builder app into here.