things4u / ESP-1ch-Gateway-v5.0--OLD

Version 5 of Single Channel LoRa Gateway
MIT License
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ESP32 mdns #57

Closed rk125 closed 4 years ago

rk125 commented 5 years ago

Hello Maarten! Moved gateway from ESP8266 to ESP32 and seems mDNS is not working. Neither gateway itself responds to query nor TTN server IP gets resolved. Same configuration were working fine on ESP8266. If I use:

define _TTNSERVER "orange1.local"

gateway dies with error and reboots if I define same server in my DNS, like:

define _TTNSERVER "orange1.b41"

everything works. Should there be something specific done for ESP32? Cheers! Reggie

rk125 commented 5 years ago

Correction - ESP32 responds itself, though the hostname is different than shown on web page. For example page says esp32-86ae8c and for ESP8266 esp32-86ae8c.local was responding. ESP32 responds to esp32-30aea486ae8c.local TTN server still does not get resolved when .local Reggie

rk125 commented 4 years ago

My bad - if dhcp server assigns to client domain search list (let's say "b41"), then esp32-86ae8c responds (auto resolves to esp32-86ae8c.b41). When specifying TTN server, set

define _TTNSERVER "orange1"

domain will be added to hostname, e.g. no need for "local" Though different behaviour in #define _TTNSERVER on esp8266 (works with .local) and esp32 (does not work with .local), as described before.