things4u / ESP-1ch-Gateway-v5.0--OLD

Version 5 of Single Channel LoRa Gateway
MIT License
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No OTAA join with RN2483 or RHF76-052 to #62

Closed andi38 closed 5 years ago

andi38 commented 5 years ago

Could not OTAA join, neither RN2483 nor AI76-052. Use version 5.3.3 and Loraserver receives JoinRequest and sends JoinAccept. Loraserver gateway processes ../rx than ../tx than ../ack.

Debug reads: rxPkt:: t=xx:xx:xx, f=1, sf=7, a=6E674846, flags=50, addr=0, len=23 RXDONE in dT=836939188: I=RXDONE HEADER , F=1, SF=7, E=0, S=RX , eT=14771212, dT=836941761 G addLog:: fileno=1, rec=34: 1 xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx {"rxpk":[{"tmst":836942776,"chan":0,"rfch":0,"freq":868.299987,"stat":1,"modu":"LORA","datr":"SF7BW125","codr":"4/5","lsnr":9,"rssi":-53,"size":23,"data":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"}]} M readUdp:: PKT_PULL_RESP received T LoraDown tmst=841942776 M PKT_TX_ACK:: micros=837423554 M PKT_PULL_RESP:: size 198 From xx.xx.xx.xx, port 1700, data: txpk... T TX done:: I= -- , F=1, SF=7, E=1, S=TX , eT=5031321, dT=842003247 T TXDONE:: rcvd=842049560, diff=106844 T TXDONE:: done OK

Tried both #define _STRICT_1CH 1 and #define _STRICT_1CH 0.

ABP works fine with both modules in this setup.

Any hint? Thanks a lot.

andi38 commented 5 years ago

Issue seems related to since OTAA works fine with TTN. Sorry for bothering.