things4u / ESP-1ch-Gateway-v5.0--OLD

Version 5 of Single Channel LoRa Gateway
MIT License
311 stars 162 forks source link

InvertIQ #63

Open BBBits opened 5 years ago

BBBits commented 5 years ago

Hi, Thanks very much for all your work on this Project ! I was having problems with receiving downlink messages . I setup a separate gateway to just be in repeater mode and disabled it's actual relay functionality All it did was report any traffic it heard to serial. The Only traffic it ever reported was the original messages prior to a downlink. the gateway showed that it was sending the downlink message out. did a heap of debugging and found that writeRegister(REG_INVERTIQ, (uint8_t) iiq); was writing 0x40 . when I checked the node , it was set at 0x67. I Modified sendPacket code
from LoraDown.iiq = (ipol? 0x40: 0x27); To LoraDown.iiq = (ipol? 0x67: 0x27);

& the messages started to show up. It appears clearing the low order bits 5..0 have an effect .