things4u / ESP-1ch-Gateway-v5.0--OLD

Version 5 of Single Channel LoRa Gateway
MIT License
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No connection to TTN with Wemos D1 Mini #82

Closed TobiasBg closed 4 years ago

TobiasBg commented 5 years ago


I've built pretty much exactly this adapter board, with a Wemos D1 Mini and an RFM95W, using the ComResult pin mapping.

I flashed the Wemos with the current master branch, but had to use the Arduino IDE 1.8.8 to work around issue #77. I'm using the ESP8266 Arduino core version 2.5.2. Everything is loading fine, I don't get errors in the Serial terminal and I can access the webserver GUI without problems. However, the gateway on the TTN website (registered as a packet forwarder with the ID that is shown in the Serial terminal) never shows as "(green dot) connected" but only as "(gray dot) not connected".

However, if I flash the same code on an ESP32 dev board (with a slightly different pin mapping), everything is working nicely, the gateway shows as "connected" in the TTN console.

So, I assume that something is wrong right now with the ESP8266-specific code (the libraries?).

Does anybody have an idea on what I could try? Are there ways to get more debug information somewhere about why the connection of the Wemos to TTN is not being established?

lazyweirdo commented 4 years ago

Hello, i have it working with a WeMos D1 mini ... try the wiring configuration i suggest in #79

platenspeler commented 4 years ago

I hope this issue is resolved, I cannot see the adapter board anymore. However, do not use the pin-out of the wrong board: It will compile but it will not work. Please make sure you use exactly the right pin-out (which is the most impoirtant thing once the garteway compiles OK).