things4u / ESP-1ch-Gateway

Version 6 of the single channel gateway
MIT License
364 stars 147 forks source link

Gateway running and registered but cannot connect the node through it #116

Open lyncker opened 1 year ago

lyncker commented 1 year ago

Hi , I am not sure if I got everything right here, but after some time playing arround I compiled my gateway using a NodeMCU connected with a SX1276 breakout board. The gateway is registered in my TTN Console and shows up there "connected". Now I compiled the same sketch using


and I entered in the configNode.h the directives:

define _DEVADDR
define _APPSKEY
define _NWKSKEY 

copied from my device which I created as Spec 1.0.2 device using RP001 Reg. Para. 1.0.2 Rev. B, Activation ABP ..

But unfortunately the device does not show up in the TTN console....

Ah ... in the web interface I switched the Gateway Node to : ON ...

In the webinterface of the gateway I can not see anything which indicates that the node has send any data using lora to it .. but im not sure what it should show ..

I would be very happy for any ideas ...

lyncker commented 1 year ago

ok, what I maybe got wrong is the NodeGateway function: It is not a standalone Node(Device) , its a mixture of a gateway and device the gateway itself can send some data... Therefore I just jused the MCCI LoRaWAN LMIC Lib the the code example for ABP , entered the three coes (DEVADDR,APPKEY,NWKSKEY) from above and voila.... the Node is sending data through the gateway and TTN shows the activitry... now Im going to include some real sensordata... lets see ;)