things4u / ESP-1ch-Gateway

Version 6 of the single channel gateway
MIT License
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OLED does not working #52

Open lordrak007 opened 3 years ago

lordrak007 commented 3 years ago

Hello, i have Heltec Wireless Stick with oled. I have enabled oled in setting. I have check pinout setting with heltec library and all looks fine. Unfortunatelly oled does nothing. Have you any idea why or how to debug? Here is serial debug: SPIFFS begin Do Asserts .CH= 0 .SF= 9 .FCNT= 0 .DEBUG= 1 .PDEBUG= 96 .CAD= 1 .HOP= 0 .NODE= 0 .BOOTS= 8 .RESETS= 0 .WIFIS= 6 .VIEWS= 0 .REFR= 0 .REENTS= 0 .NTPETIM= 0 .NTPERR= 0 .WAITERR= 0 .WAITOK= 0 .NTPS= 6 .FILEREC= 0 .FILENO= 0 .FORMAT= 0 .DELAY= 0 .TRUSTED= 1 .EXPERT= 0 .SEEN= 1 .MONITOR= 1 readGwayCfg:: return OK MAC: 10:52:1c:5a:d1:30, len=17 0:0:2. WlanConnect SSID=uLIOT WlanStatus:: CONNECTED ssid=uLIOT Host=esp32-5ad130 WiFi Connected to uLIOT on IP= Local UDP port=1700 UDP Connection successful Gateway ID: 10521cffff5ad130, Listening at SF9 on 868.10 MHz. resolveHost:: IP= Time set=Fri 16-10-2020 09:53:16 resolveHost:: IP= setupOta:: Started Ready IP address: WWW Server started on port 80 OLED_ADDR=0x3C --- Setup() ended, Starting loop() ---

platenspeler commented 3 years ago

I cannot see whats going wrong here. The OLED_ADDR setting is not really a debug message, but it does support the known OLED displays. Pin setting is 4 for Heltec.

What version of Heltec board are you using?



CamFlyerCH commented 3 years ago

I use a TTG0 Lora32 and OLED is only working with "# define _PIN_OUT 5" in configGway.h (and ESP-SC-gway.ino) instead of 4