things4u / ESP-1ch-Gateway

Version 6 of the single channel gateway
MIT License
358 stars 143 forks source link

ERROR find time #92

Closed Samuel-ZDM closed 2 years ago

Samuel-ZDM commented 2 years ago


The device is always looking for the date, but it connects to NTP it just doesn't find the date, how do I solve this?


define NTP_TIMESERVER "" // Country and region specific

define NTP_TIMEZONES -3 // How far is our Timezone from UTC (excl daylight saving/summer time)

define SECS_IN_HOUR 3600

define _NTP_INTR 0 // Do NTP processing with interrupts or in loop();

Serial monitor:

10:35:18.698 -> resolveHost:: IP= 10:35:20.197 -> setup:: ERROR Time not set (yet). Time=1061183956 10:35:22.530 -> setup:: ERROR Time not set (yet). Time=1061183956 10:35:24.829 -> setup:: ERROR Time not set (yet). Time=1061183956 10:35:27.160 -> setup:: ERROR Time not set (yet). Time=1061183956 10:35:29.461 -> setup:: ERROR Time not set (yet). Time=1061183956 10:35:31.757 -> setup:: ERROR Time not set (yet). Time=1061183956 10:35:34.090 -> setup:: ERROR Time not set (yet). Time=1061183956 10:35:36.390 -> setup:: ERROR Time not set (yet). Time=1061183956 10:35:38.690 -> setup:: ERROR Time not set (yet). Time=1061183956 10:35:41.022 -> setup:: ERROR Time not set (yet). Time=1061183956

Samuel-ZDM commented 2 years ago

I changed the _LOCUDPPORT to 1701 and worked.