things4u / ESP-1ch-Gateway

Version 6 of the single channel gateway
MIT License
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Chirpstack? #98

Closed Westiewombat closed 2 years ago

Westiewombat commented 2 years ago

Is it possible to use this gateway for a local (docker) Chirpstack setup?

I tried adding the following to the config of the gateway to point to the Chirpstack gateway bridge

define _THINGSERVER "" // Server URL of the LoRa udp.js server program

define _THINGPORT 1700 // Your UDP server should listen to this port

I'm using a Heltech ESPv32 V2 for the gateway and and MCCI LMIC node with RFM95W on pro mini

platenspeler commented 2 years ago


Yes, I do not have experience with Chirpstack but as long as the MQTT server IP address is reachable you should be OK.

the address you use is the internal IP address of type Class C, probably your home address. The the IP address of the real server URL, which could be a sort of the same depending where your Chirpstack server is.

Westiewombat commented 2 years ago

I have had success using ABP on Chirpstack. I needed to tell Chirpstack gateway bridge I was using a semtech packet forwarder....In chirpstack-gateway-bridge.toml

  udp_bind = ""
  skip_crc_check = false

and in gateway configGway.h

`#define _THINGSERVER "" // Server URL of the LoRa udp.js server program

#define _THINGPORT 1883 // Your UDP server should listen to this port`

I had no luck with OTA