I am trying to push notification to mobile application using the firebase.
flutterfire configure
on above command. I am facing below issue.
PS C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\FFF_app> flutterfire configure
✔ Generated FirebaseOptions file C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\FFF_app\lib\firebase_options.dart already exists, do you want to override it? · yes
i Found 1 Firebase projects.
✔ Select a Firebase project to configure your Flutter application with · crystal-vision-6a398 (Crystal Vision)
✔ Which platforms should your configuration support (use arrow keys & space to select)? · android, ios
i Firebase android app org.thingsboard.pe.app registered.
i Firebase ios app org.thingsboard.pe.app registered.
Exception: `UnsupportedError` not found in iOS
I am trying to push notification to mobile application using the firebase.
on above command. I am facing below issue.