thingsboard / thingsboard-edge

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[Question] Edge widgets error #81

Closed akseerali closed 9 months ago

akseerali commented 9 months ago


Description The widgets are not working after throwing the below error. Is there a way to clear this error from the edge database? Here are some of the observations:

tb-edge | org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException: could not execute statement; SQL [n/a]; nested exception is org.hibernate.exception.DataException: could not execute statement . . . tb-edge | 2023-10-17 22:02:47,645 [grpc-default-executor-0] WARN o.h.e.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper - SQL Error: 0, SQLState: 22001 tb-edge | 2023-10-17 22:02:47,645 [grpc-default-executor-0] ERROR o.h.e.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper - ERROR: value too long for type character varying(255) tb-edge | 2023-10-17 22:02:47,646 [grpc-default-executor-0] INFO o.h.e.j.b.internal.AbstractBatchImpl - HHH000010: On release of batch it still contained JDBC statements tb-edge | 2023-10-17 22:02:47,647 [grpc-default-executor-0] ERROR o.t.s.s.c.DefaultDownlinkMessageService - Can't process downlink message [downlinkMsgId: 1732855390

Here is the widgets screenshot image


volodymyr-babak commented 9 months ago


Thank you for raising this issue.

Indeed, some widgets on the edge break when an older version of the edge is connected to the cloud version 3.6. This is because the edge syncs with the cloud to get the most recent widget configurations. With the 3.6 release, widgets underwent significant changes, making older versions of the edge incompatible with the new cloud widgets.

Can you please upgrade your edge to the latest 3.6 version? I noticed you mentioned encountering errors during the update - could you share details about those errors?

akseerali commented 9 months ago

Hi @volodymyr-babak

We have again tried to update the ThingsBoard edge version, but it showed the same error. Please find attached the logs obtained while upgrading the ThingsBoard Edge PE from version to version 3.6.0. Please share any information on how to cope with this issue. Thanks

upgradation logs for 3.6.0 - v1.0.txt

volodymyr-babak commented 9 months ago


Kindly refer to this upgrade guide:

I suspect you might be using the wrong command. Please ensure you use the following: sudo /usr/share/tb-edge/bin/install/ --fromVersion=3.5.1

akseerali commented 9 months ago

Hi @volodymyr-babak

Thank you for the hint.

Somehow the edge was not upgraded from v3.5.1.1 to v3.6.0, but it updated the version number in the ".upgradeversion" file. The upgrading issue has been resolved by first manually changing the version from 3.6.0 to 3.5.1 from docker container, and then upgrading the edge to v3.6.0 by following this link.

The issue with the widgets has also been successfully resolved. Thanks