thingsboard / thingsboard-extensions

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Development mode doesn't work out of the box #74

Open pjreed opened 6 days ago

pjreed commented 6 days ago

When I clone this repository and follow the setup instructions, everything seems to start with no issues:

$ yarn start
yarn run v1.22.21
$ node --max_old_space_size=8048 ./node_modules/@angular/cli/bin/ng serve
Building Angular Package

Building entry point 'thingsboard-extension-widgets'
⠴ Compiling with Angular sources in Ivy full compilation mode.WARNING: postcss-url: /home/preed/src/renu/thingsboard-extensions/node_modules/primeicons/primeicons.css:5:5: Image type is svg and link contains #. Postcss-url cant handle svg fragments. SVG file fully inlined. /home/preed/src/renu/thingsboard-extensions/node_modules/primeicons/fonts/primeicons.svg
✔ Compiling with Angular sources in Ivy full compilation mode.
✔ Generating SystemJS
✔ Copying assets
✔ Writing package manifest
✔ Built thingsboard-extension-widgets

Built Angular Package
 - from: /home/path/src/renu/thingsboard-extensions/src
 - to:   /home/path/src/renu/thingsboard-extensions/dist/widget-extension

Build at: 2024-09-12T20:12:52.669Z - Time: 4373ms

Compilation complete. Watching for file changes...
==> 🌎  Listening on port 5000. Open up http://localhost:5000/ in your browser.

But when I try to open http://localhost:5000, the only response I get is:

Cannot GET /