thingsboard / thingsboard-gateway

Open-source IoT Gateway - integrates devices connected to legacy and third-party systems with ThingsBoard IoT Platform using Modbus, CAN bus, BACnet, BLE, OPC-UA, MQTT, ODBC and REST protocols
Apache License 2.0
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[HELP] Docs for OPCUA connector configuration #1587

Open andersenthomas98 opened 2 weeks ago

andersenthomas98 commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the issue Hi, where can I find the documentation for the fields in the OPCUA connector configuration? The default version that comes up in thingsboard cloud looks like this:

  "server": {
    "url": "localhost:4840/freeopcua/server/",
    "timeoutInMillis": 5000,
    "scanPeriodInMillis": 3600000,
    "pollPeriodInMillis": 5000,
    "enableSubscriptions": true,
    "subCheckPeriodInMillis": 100,
    "showMap": false,
    "security": "Basic128Rsa15",
    "identity": {
      "type": "anonymous"
  "mapping": [
      "deviceNodePattern": "Root\\.Objects\\.Device1",
      "deviceNodeSource": "path",
      "deviceInfo": {
        "deviceNameExpression": "Device ${Root\\.Objects\\.Device1\\.serialNumber}",
        "deviceNameExpressionSource": "path",
        "deviceProfileExpression": "Device",
        "deviceProfileExpressionSource": "constant"
      "attributes": [
          "key": "temperature °C",
          "type": "path",
          "value": "${ns=2;i=5}"
      "timeseries": [
          "key": "humidity",
          "type": "path",
          "value": "${Root\\.Objects\\.Device1\\.TemperatureAndHumiditySensor\\.Humidity}"
          "key": "batteryLevel",
          "type": "path",
          "value": "${Battery\\.batteryLevel}"
      "rpc_methods": [
          "method": "multiply",
          "arguments": [
              "type": "integer",
              "value": 2
              "type": "integer",
              "value": 4
      "attributes_updates": [
          "key": "deviceName",
          "type": "path",
          "value": "Root\\.Objects\\.Device1\\.serialNumber"
  "logLevel": "INFO",
  "name": "test",
  "enableRemoteLogging": false,
  "id": "dc087da7-8682-45b8-a4ee-10eb5cba1591"

However, this does not look like it matches what is documented here:

  "server": {
    "name": "OPC-UA Default Server",
    "url": "localhost:4840/freeopcua/server/",
    "timeoutInMillis": 5000,
    "scanPeriodInMillis": 5000,
    "subCheckPeriodInMillis": 100,
    "showMap": false,
    "security": "Basic128Rsa15",
    "identity": {
      "type": "anonymous"
    "mapping": [
        "deviceNodePattern": "Root\\.Objects\\.Device1",
        "deviceNamePattern": "Device ${Root\\.Objects\\.Device1\\.serialNumber}",
        "attributes": [
            "key": "CertificateNumber",
            "path": "${ns=2;i=5}"
        "timeseries": [
            "key": "temperature °C",
            "path": "${Root\\.Objects\\.Device1\\.TemperatureAndHumiditySensor\\.Temperature}"
            "key": "batteryLevel",
            "path": "${Battery\\.batteryLevel}"
        "rpc_methods": [
            "method": "multiply",
            "arguments": [2, 4]
        "attributes_updates": [
            "attributeOnThingsBoard": "deviceName",
            "attributeOnDevice": "Root\\.Objects\\.Device1\\.serialNumber"

For instance, there is a new field called "type" in the "timeseries" subsection.

imbeacon commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @andersenthomas98,

Thank you for your interest in ThingsBoard IoT Gateway, You are right, we have some changes in configuration, documentation is in progress. But you can ask here about parameters that you interested in.

type in timeseries is a parameter that allows UI to identify what type it should show in basic configuration mode for OPC-UA connector, it can be constant, identifier, path. It doesn’t important for the gateway processing, but allows to show correct type on UI. New UI fo gateways will be available in ThingsBoard 3.9.

andersenthomas98 commented 2 weeks ago

Ok, understand :). Can you elaborate on how to use the deviceNodePattern- and deviceNamePattern field? From my understanding it seems like the deviceNodePattern must be a regular expression to find a node. Is this field mandatory? For my configuration I only want to define one OPCUA device, therefore, I would presume if deviceNodePattern does not exist the configuration would just assign all timeseries and attributes to the device named using the deviceNamePattern field.

imbeacon commented 2 weeks ago

deviceNodePattern, is the similar like it is defined in the current documentation, gateway uses it to find the base node for device, all path patterns for device can be relative (from device node or absolute - from the root). deviceNamePattern also can be a constant value.

deviceNodePattern is a base for device search, so it is mandatory, the gateway won’t be able to locate nodes without it. If you want to have only one device you can try to set it to Objects node, or any on the highest level and set deviceNamePattern as a constant string value.

andersenthomas98 commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks. Another question: What is the pollPeriodInMillis inside the server section?

imbeacon commented 2 weeks ago

We added separated parameters for scanning period and polling period, earlier we did the both things at the same time, but if you know that your node hierarchy won’t change frequently - you can set a big value for scanPeriodInMillis, but keep low pollPeriodInMillis. pollPeriodInMillis has effect only if you have disabled subscriptions.

andersenthomas98 commented 2 weeks ago

Ok, thanks again! Do you have a timeline for expected release of the official docs?