thingsboard / thingsboard-gateway

Open-source IoT Gateway - integrates devices connected to legacy and third-party systems with ThingsBoard IoT Platform using Modbus, CAN bus, BACnet, BLE, OPC-UA, MQTT, ODBC and REST protocols
Apache License 2.0
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[BUG] Device type set to default after removing the device from the list then republished via gateway #420

Closed chenybing closed 2 years ago

chenybing commented 3 years ago

Describe the bug

When the gateway first publishes a device status with the deviceType set to a value (in this case it was set to the string 'server', nothing fancy or dynamic), it shows up properly in the list of devices as device type "server". Then, remove that device from the list of devices, have the gateway publish that same message again, except the device that shows up on the list is showing as device type "default".

It shows the correct device type whenever the device status first gets published to Thingsboard. Deletion, then subsequent republish, causes the device type to be set as "default". Another behavior is that the device doesn't show up on the list at all for the second publishing.


Our setup is such that we have a server that publishes status to a RabbitMQ Broker. We wrote a custom connector that subscribes to the RabbitMQ Broker and receives the message in JSON and publishes to the Thingsboard MQTT Broker.

Steps to reproduce

  1. The Thingsboard Gateway service is started, we publish the following message to it via our RabbitMQ connector:

JSON Message: { "deviceName": "Test Script Device", "deviceType": "test script", "overallHealth": "NORMAL", "state": "OPERATIONAL", "temp_s1": "888.88", "temp_front_card": "888.88", "temp_rear_card": "888.88", "hum_s1": "888.88", "hum_front_card": "888.88", "hum_rear_card": "888.88", "power": "888.88" }

Python script:


import pika
import json
import sys

connection = pika.BlockingConnection(
channel =

channel.exchange_declare(exchange='topic_logs', exchange_type='topic', durable=True)


f = open('test.json',)

data = json.load(f)
channel.basic_publish(exchange='topic_logs', routing_key=routing_key, body=json.dumps(data))

print(" [x] Sent %r:%r" % (routing_key, data))
  1. Device "Test Script Device" and device type "test script" shows up in the list of Devices on Thingsboard.
  2. Delete device "Test Script Device".
  3. Re-send the same message as above via RabbitMQ.
  4. Device either no longer shows up on the list of device, OR the device shows up, but the device type is now set to "default" instead of "test script".

Error traceback (If available):

Not so much an error traceback (I didn't see any), but a verification that our connector is working correctly on our end (from connector.log):

""2020-10-20 16:12:33" - INFO - [] - rabbitmq_connector - 122 - Routing Key: 'site.A.servers.attributes'"
""2020-10-20 16:12:33" - INFO - [] - rabbitmq_connector - 127 - topic handlers are: ['site.*.servers.attributes']"
""2020-10-20 16:12:33" - INFO - [] - rabbitmq_connector - 144 - CONVERTED CONTENT: {'deviceName': 'Test Script Device', 'deviceType': 'test script', 'attributes': [{'health': 'NORMAL'}, {'state': 'OPERATIONAL'}], 'telemetry': {'ts': 1603224753843, 'values': {'power usage': '888.88', 'temperature sensor #1': '888.88', 'front card temperature sensor': '888.88', 'rear card temperature sensor': '888.88', 'humidity sensor #1': '888.88', 'front card humidity sensor': '888.88', 'rear card humidity sensor': '888.88'}}}"

Versions (please complete the following information):

chenybing commented 3 years ago

I also want to mention that when I reinstall thingsboard-gateway, and try to send data with the same device name and device type, it displays correctly on Thingsboard. Delete the device from Thingsboard, rinse, repeat, the problem resurfaces.

imbeacon commented 3 years ago

Hi @chenybing ,

Thank you for your feedback, we found the cause of the issue and gonna fix it in ThingsBoard. This issue was appeared because the gateway didn't know that the device was removed on ThingsBoard, so we will add one more topic to the Gateway MQTT API and processing for these messages.

chenybing commented 3 years ago

Cheers @zbeacon . Do you have an approximation of which future release the fix will be applied?

imbeacon commented 3 years ago

Hi @chenybing ,

It is not so regular behavior for the gateway to keep which devices were removed from the ThingsBoard and we didn't meet requirements like this earlier. But we have developed the functionality like you described. Unfortunately, I don't have concrete date when it will be available, I hope it will be added into ThingsBoard version 3.2 and also I will publish the new version of the gateway when this functionality will be available.

As a workaround you can remove file "connected_devices.json" when gateway stops and after start it will create the device with correct device type.

chenybing commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the workaround @zbeacon .

chenybing commented 3 years ago

Just a thought: Is there a MQTT topic I can subscribe to on Thingsboard that can notify me when a device has been added/removed?

imbeacon commented 3 years ago

We have the same thought, and implemented it, to send data to the gateway about the removed devices, but it is also will be available only in ThingsBoard 3.2.

hazarmutgan commented 3 years ago

@zbeacon is there any update on this since the ThingsBoard 3.2 is now available?