thingsboard / thingsboard-gateway

Open-source IoT Gateway - integrates devices connected to legacy and third-party systems with ThingsBoard IoT Platform using Modbus, CAN bus, BACnet, BLE, OPC-UA, MQTT, ODBC and REST protocols
Apache License 2.0
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[HELP] Redirect the gateway attribute update request to a different process. #632

Closed gohm-tech closed 2 years ago

gohm-tech commented 2 years ago

Hi, We have another process that works with C code. When an attribute of the gateway changes in the TB dashboard, we want to transfer this change to this C code.

  1. How can we redirect attribute requests. Or How can we achieve this change in another process?
  2. How can we undo this change if the gateway is not working at that time?
  3. How can we convey to TBCore that we have accessed and changed parameters from other processes?

Configuration tb_gateway.txt

Connector name


Best Regards, Gohm Team

samson0v commented 2 years ago

Hi @gohm-tech, there is two way to solve your problem:

  1. You can write your custom connector
  2. You can use our Python SDK

Thanks for your interest in ThignsBoard IoT Gateway.

gohm-tech commented 2 years ago

Hi, thanks for your quick reply,

I think we didn't explain our situation well. If I create a custom connector, won't we only handle the parameter update request for the device? But I want to handle the incoming requests for the gateway.

Best Regards, Gohm Team

samson0v commented 2 years ago

Hi @gohm-tech, if you want to process parameter update request for the gateway you have to write your custom method in the tb_gateway_service file.