thingsboard / thingsboard-gateway

Open-source IoT Gateway - integrates devices connected to legacy and third-party systems with ThingsBoard IoT Platform using Modbus, CAN bus, BACnet, BLE, OPC-UA, MQTT, ODBC and REST protocols
Apache License 2.0
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The Gateway cannot push data to the ThingsBoard #638

Closed RenCisco closed 2 years ago

RenCisco commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug **See thingsBoard reply :URL:(

information description

  1. Tb-gateway obtains data from device 1 over Modbus protocol. Device 1 has more than 3000 fields. The configuration file is as follows { "server": { "type": "tcp", "host": "device ip address", "port": 502, "timeout": 35, "method": "socket", "byteOrder": "BIG", "devices": [ { "unitId": 1, "deviceName": "deviceName1", "attributesPollPeriod": 5000, "timeseriesPollPeriod": 5000, "sendDataOnlyOnChange": true, "timeseries": [ {"tag":"A","type": "bits","functionCode": 2,"objectsCount": 1,"byteOrder": "LITTLE","address":0}, {"tag":"B","type": "bits","functionCode": 2,"objectsCount": 1,"byteOrder": "LITTLE","address":1}, ### More than 3,500 lines are omitted {"tag":"C","type": "32float","functionCode": 4,"objectsCount": 2,"wordOrder": "LITTLE","address":1482}, {"tag":"D","type": "32float","functionCode": 4,"objectsCount": 2,"wordOrder": "LITTLE","address":1498}, {"tag":"E","type": "32float","functionCode": 4,"objectsCount": 2,"wordOrder": "LITTLE","address":4594} ] } ] } }

  2. tb_gataway.yaml file configuration is as follows. thingsboard: host: thingsboard ip address port: 1883 remoteShell: false remoteConfiguration: false security: accessToken: PUT_YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE qos: 1 storage: type: memory read_records_count: 1000 max_records_count: 100000

    type: file

        #  data_folder_path: ./data/
        #  max_file_count: 10
        #  max_read_records_count: 10
        #  max_records_per_file: 10000
        #  -
        #    name: MQTT Broker Connector
        #    type: mqtt
        #    configuration: mqtt.json
            name: ModbusDaxinginput
            type: modbus
            configuration: modbusDxiput.json
        #  -
        ....Is omitted
        #  -
        #    name: Custom Serial Connector
        #    type: serial
        #    configuration: custom_serial.json
        #    class: CustomSerialConnector
  3. By capturing packets using tcpdump, the gateway can obtain all field values of the device using Modbus.

issue description

  1. When the Modbus profile is only 20 lines long, there is no problem getting the data and displaying it in real time .
  2. When a Modbus configuration file is several thousand lines long, ThingsBoard can't display all the fields and keep the data up to date.


  1. How can i solve this issue? Thingsboard doesn't display data and doesn't update data in a timely manner when modbus configuration files are thousands of lines long.
  2. Is thingsBoard having trouble communicating with the Gateway?
  3. How many lines can a Modbus profile support?
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samson0v commented 2 years ago

Hi @RenCisco, we reworked the Modbus connector and in the coming days, we will update Gateway. So wait for a little and try to use the new Modbus connector. I will let you know about the update!

Thanks for your interest in ThingsBoard IoT Gateway!

samson0v commented 2 years ago

Hi @RenCisco, we update Gateway Modbus Connector, so you can try and test it (use version from master branch)!

RenCisco commented 2 years ago

@samson0v Thanks for your help! I tried to install the master branch,but got an error. I installed it follow url ( So please tell me how to install step by step. this is errors: [xx@yy]#python3 ./thingsboard_gateway/ ""2021-12-02 16:16:53" - |INFO| - [] - tb_gateway_service - init - 72 - Gateway starting..." ""2021-12-02 16:16:53" - |INFO| - [] - tb_gateway_service - init - 77 - ThingsBoard IoT gateway version: 2.6" ""2021-12-02 16:16:53" - |INFO| - [] - tb_gateway_mqtt - gw_subscribe_to_attribute - 176 - Subscribed to | with id 1" ""2021-12-02 16:16:53" - |INFO| - [] - tb_utility - check_and_import - 111 - Import MqttConnector from /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/thingsboard_gateway/connectors/mqtt." ""2021-12-02 16:16:53" - |INFO| - [] - mqtt_connector - load_handlers - 158 - Number of accepted mapping handlers: 3" ""2021-12-02 16:16:53" - |INFO| - [] - mqtt_connector - load_handlers - 162 - Number of rejected mapping handlers: 0" ""2021-12-02 16:16:53" - |INFO| - [] - mqtt_connector - load_handlers - 158 - Number of accepted serverSideRpc handlers: 2" ""2021-12-02 16:16:53" - |INFO| - [] - mqtt_connector - load_handlers - 162 - Number of rejected serverSideRpc handlers: 0" ""2021-12-02 16:16:53" - |INFO| - [] - mqtt_connector - load_handlers - 158 - Number of accepted connectRequests handlers: 2" ""2021-12-02 16:16:53" - |INFO| - [] - mqtt_connector - load_handlers - 162 - Number of rejected connectRequests handlers: 0" ""2021-12-02 16:16:53" - |INFO| - [] - mqtt_connector - load_handlers - 158 - Number of accepted disconnectRequests handlers: 2" ""2021-12-02 16:16:53" - |INFO| - [] - mqtt_connector - load_handlers - 162 - Number of rejected disconnectRequests handlers: 0" ""2021-12-02 16:16:53" - |ERROR| - [] - mqtt_connector - load_handlers - 143 - Mandatory key 'topicExpression' missing from attributeRequests handler: {"retain": false, "topicFilter": "v1/devices/me/attributes/request", "deviceNameTopicExpression": "${SerialNumber}", "attributeNameJsonExpression": "${sensorModel}"}" ""2021-12-02 16:16:53" - |ERROR| - [] - mqtt_connector - load_handlers - 143 - Mandatory key 'valueExpression' missing from attributeRequests handler: {"retain": false, "topicFilter": "v1/devices/me/attributes/request", "deviceNameTopicExpression": "${SerialNumber}", "attributeNameJsonExpression": "${sensorModel}"}" ""2021-12-02 16:16:53" - |ERROR| - [] - mqtt_connector - load_handlers - 150 - attributeRequests handler is missing some mandatory keys => rejected: {"retain": false, "topicFilter": "v1/devices/me/attributes/request", "deviceNameTopicExpression": "${SerialNumber}", "attributeNameJsonExpression": "${sensorModel}"}" ""2021-12-02 16:16:53" - |INFO| - [] - mqtt_connector - load_handlers - 158 - Number of accepted attributeRequests handlers: 0" ""2021-12-02 16:16:53" - |INFO| - [] - mqtt_connector - load_handlers - 162 - Number of rejected attributeRequests handlers: 1" ""2021-12-02 16:16:53" - |INFO| - [] - mqtt_connector - load_handlers - 158 - Number of accepted attributeUpdates handlers: 1" ""2021-12-02 16:16:53" - |INFO| - [] - mqtt_connector - load_handlers - 162 - Number of rejected attributeUpdates handlers: 0" ""2021-12-02 16:16:53" - |ERROR| - [] - mqtt_connector - connect - 196 - [Errno 111] Connection refused" ""2021-12-02 16:16:53" - |INFO| - [] - tb_gateway_service - init__ - 135 - Gateway started." ""2021-12-02 16:16:54" - |ERROR| - [] - tb_device_mqtt - _on_connect - 148 - connection FAIL with error 5 not authorised" ""2021-12-02 16:16:54" - |INFO| - [] - tb_updater - check_for_new_version - 78 - 2.7" ""2021-12-02 16:16:54" - |INFO| - [] - tb_updater - check_for_new_version - 81 -


New version 2.7 is available!

[===UPDATE===] " ""2021-12-02 16:16:55" - |ERROR| - [] - tb_device_mqtt - _on_connect - 148 - connection FAIL with error 5 not authorised" ""2021-12-02 16:17:03" - |ERROR| - [] - mqtt_connector - connect - 196 - [Errno 111] Connection refused" ""2021-12-02 16:17:06" - |ERROR| - [] - tb_device_mqtt - _on_connect - 148 - connection FAIL with error 5 not authorised" ""2021-12-02 16:17:13" - |ERROR| - [] - mqtt_connector - connect - 196 - [Errno 111] Connection refused" ""2021-12-02 16:17:16" - |ERROR| - [] - tb_device_mqtt - _on_connect - 148 - connection FAIL with error 5 not authorised" ""2021-12-02 16:17:23" - |ERROR| - [] - mqtt_connector - connect - 196 - [Errno 111] Connection refused" ""2021-12-02 16:17:27" - |ERROR| - [] - tb_device_mqtt - _on_connect - 148 - connection FAIL with error 5 not authorised" ""2021-12-02 16:17:33" - |ERROR| - [] - mqtt_connector - connect - 196 - [Errno 111] Connection refused"

samson0v commented 2 years ago

Hi @RenCisco, follow the next steps:

  1. Clone the master branch
  2. Create virtual env using python3 -m venv venv
  3. Activate virtual env source venv/bin/activate
  4. Run pip install
  5. Configure Gateway
  6. Run Gateway
RenCisco commented 2 years ago

@samson0v My OS is centos7, why create a virtual enviroment?

this is my operation

[root@centos7 thingsboard-gateway]# python3 ./thingsboard_gateway/ [STREAM ONLY] 2021-12-03 09:53:18,355 - DEBUG - [] - tb_device_mqtt - 125 - Disconnected client: <paho.mqtt.client.Client object at 0x7fa793af49e8>, user data: None, result code: 1

RenCisco commented 2 years ago


[root@centos7 thingsboard-gateway]# pip install ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement (from versions: none) ERROR: No matching distribution found for WARNING: You are using pip version 21.0.1; however, version 21.3.1 is available. You should consider upgrading via the '/usr/bin/python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip' command.

RenCisco commented 2 years ago


[root@centos7 thingsboard-gateway]# pip install ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement (from versions: none) ERROR: No matching distribution found for WARNING: You are using pip version 21.0.1; however, version 21.3.1 is available. You should consider upgrading via the '/usr/bin/python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip' command.

imbeacon commented 2 years ago

Hi @RenCisco ,

Could you try the following command: python3 install

RenCisco commented 2 years ago

@zbeacon thanks for your help I executed command (python3 install) but how can i run thingsboard-gateway?

RenCisco commented 2 years ago

[root@centos7 thingsboard-gateway]# systemctl start thingsboard-gateway Failed to start thingsboard-gateway.service: Unit not found.

RenCisco commented 2 years ago

@zbeacon @samson0v Thanks for your help!

this is error [root@centos7 thingsboard-gateway]# python3 ./thingsboard_gateway/ [STREAM ONLY] 2021-12-06 10:56:59,249 - DEBUG - [] - tb_device_mqtt - 125 - Disconnected client: <paho.mqtt.client.Client object at 0x7fcdf8283f60>, user data: None, result code: 1

RenCisco commented 2 years ago

@samson0v @zbeacon Hi thanks for your help! After I grab packets using tcpdump, I find that the Gateway pushes MQTT data to ThingsBoard every 10 minutes. How can I optimize?

samson0v commented 2 years ago

Hi @RenCisco, after installing Gateway from the source, you can start it using python3 thingsboard_gateway/ And don't forget to configure the Gateway and connectors which you will use.

RenCisco commented 2 years ago

@samson0v Thanks for your help ! I've started thingsboard-gateway, but sending MQTT data to Thingsboard is too slow, every 10 minutes. So how do I solve this problem? How do I get performance up to pushing data to thingsBoard every few seconds
this is my configuration tb_gateway.yaml thingsboard: host: ip port: 9909 remoteShell: false remoteConfiguration: false security: accessToken: 1YGsdfserfsQC4asdfmneF qos: 1 storage: type: memory read_records_count: 100 max_records_count: 100000

modbus.json "server": { "type": "tcp", "host": "ip", "port": 589, "timeout": 35, "method": "socket", "byteOrder": "BIG", "devices": [ { "unitId": 1, "deviceName": "daxinginput", "attributesPollPeriod": 5000, "timeseriesPollPeriod": 5000, "sendDataOnlyOnChange": true, "timeseries": [

samson0v commented 2 years ago

Hi @RenCisco, you are using "sendDataOnlyOnChange": true, maybe the data doesn't change?

RenCisco commented 2 years ago

@samson0v Thanks for your help!

i have used "sendDataOnlyOnChange": false ,But problems remain. The ThingsBoard still updates its data every 10 minutes.

samson0v commented 2 years ago

Hi @RenCisco, Do you see data streams using Wireshark when Gateway send data to ThingsBoard? How many devices do you use? Probably you can try to use "minPackSendDelayMS": <for example 200> in main tb_gataway.yaml config file as on the picture below.

samson0v commented 2 years ago

Hi @RenCisco , did it help, can we close the issue?

RenCisco commented 2 years ago

@samson0v Thanks a lot for your help and support!