thingsboard / thingsboard-gateway

Open-source IoT Gateway - integrates devices connected to legacy and third-party systems with ThingsBoard IoT Platform using Modbus, CAN bus, BACnet, BLE, OPC-UA, MQTT, ODBC and REST protocols
Apache License 2.0
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Timeout Error Connecting to Thingsboard (MQTT) #86

Closed Bucknalla closed 4 years ago

Bucknalla commented 6 years ago


I'm having an issue connecting to my Thingsboard Server (my own instance). I am getting a time out error appearing in my /var/log/tb-gateway/tb-gateway.log

2018-06-06 13:46:51,051 [main] ERROR o.t.g.s.gateway.MqttGatewayService - Unable to connect to ThingsBoard. Connection timed out after [10000] milliseconds

My tb-gateway.yml looks as follows:

  # Server bind address
  address: ""
  # Server bind port
  port: "9090"

# Check new version updates parameters
  # Enable/disable updates checking.
  enabled: "${UPDATES_ENABLED:true}"

      label: "Tenant"
        interval: 60000
        type: file
        path: storage
        bufferSize: 1000
        host: "${GATEWAY_HOST:My_Own_Host_IP}"
        port: 1883
        retryInterval: 3000
        maxInFlight: 1000
          accessToken: "${GATEWAY_ACCESS_TOKEN:My_Own_Token}"
      remoteConfiguration: true
          id: "http"
          type: "HTTP"
extensionConfiguration: http-config.json

Do I need to set up my own MQTT broker? The instructions in the documentation seem to suggest that all I need to do is change the host IP and add my access token and the gateway should appear in my thingboard devices page.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!



mp-loki commented 6 years ago

Are you able to connect to My_Own_Host_IP:1883 using a third-party mqtt client, e.g. mosquitto_pub? The error says that it is unable to connect to ThingsBoard. It can be either a) incorrect configuration or b) network issues.

Regarding your other question about mqtt broker - the gateway connects to TB server via MQTT on one side and to third-party systems via extensions on the other. So if you want to configure a MQTT extension, you eventually would want to have an external broker to connect to. But this is not related to the error you have now. Also, given that you use remoteConfiguration: true you will configure your extension(s) in TB GUI once you resolve your connection problem.

Bucknalla commented 6 years ago

So I've tried to connect to the broker manually - I've even got some devices connecting up to my thingsboard instance - and it seems to be functioning correctly. I wonder if my config file is incorrect?

Am I correct in saying that the ${GATEWAY_HOST:} command is used for running the thingsboard IoT gateway under docker? I'm currently trying to run thingsboard gateway under so I wonder if this might be an issue?

kevz93 commented 4 years ago

I am facing the same issue. @Bucknalla , did you manage to clear this out ? Ive tried v1.4.0.1(this connects to thingsboard but anonymous logins seems to be an issue) and 2.2.1rc(fails to connect ) ;/

imbeacon commented 4 years ago

Hi, @Bucknalla , @kevz93 , @Bucknalla

am glad to inform you that we have released new version of the Gateway based on Python. This is a major rewrite and improvement from Java version. Main benefits:

You can use this guide to install and configure the gateway. Please try the new gateway and give your feedback into issues or email us .