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Attach photos and documents to items & containers #7

Open bradgessler opened 3 years ago

bradgessler commented 3 years ago

This is a pretty straight forward feature to describe: attach photos to an item. The use cases are obvious, like if you pack a box full of a bunch of stuff, you might just take a picture of it with the box open. That way when you shelve it, you can scan the QR code, view the item, and see the picture of the open box.

What about documents? I often buy items that require an owners manual, but I don't want to keep it around. I instead search for the PDF of the item and save it to a folder, which is difficult to find later. It would be great to attach the PDF owners manual to the item so I can scan it and immediately see the PDF (or document) for that item.

bradgessler commented 2 years ago

I got a few use cases from a customer that emailed me about Thingybase. Removed all personal identifying information and posting here for posterity:

Can I using photos?

Use case #1: Find a particular book.

Take a picture of a book case shelf; e.g., "education books, office, shelf #1" Pack shelf into two boxes.

Associate photo with the two boxes (aka two thingybase "containers"). ... months go by ...

Where is this specific book?

  • find all containers that have education books in the title
  • open picture associated with that container
  • scan to see if title is there.
  • should narrow search down to a box or two.

    Use case #2: Will rug color go well in this room?

    Big item: rug, piece of furniture, framed art work Identify as one container (in case of rug) Have photo so you can look at colors without having to unroll rug, etc.

Use case #3: Multiple ceramic pieces in one box.

Similar to use case #2, but now the photo is with the item.

The interesting thing about these use cases is that a single image my be linked to multiple items and containers. I’ve found that many-to-many relationships like this can cause more confusion than not, so I’ll need to think through this a bit to see if I can find a way to associate a photo with multiple items & containers.

mdtisdall commented 11 months ago

Another use case is being able to scroll through pictures to find an item without knowing exactly what container it is in. For example, not everyone in my household uses the same name for an item so text search might not turn it up, but we often know what the thing we're trying to find looks like.