thinkaurelius / titan

Distributed Graph Database
Apache License 2.0
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Add TP3 Groovy test cases for Berkeley #1006

Closed mbroecheler closed 9 years ago

mbroecheler commented 9 years ago

there are 2 process and 3 environment tests for groovy (see TinkerGraph tests for comparison) that are not currently invoked in Titan. We should only add those to the berkeley module since passing there should mean everything works correctly.

BrynCooke commented 9 years ago

BerkeleyTitanGroovyProcessComputerTest fails due to lack of StandardTitanGraph.empty method.

BerkeleyTitanGroovyEnvironmentTest has a couple of failures:

shouldProcessUTF8Query: TP assigned IDs to vertices


BrynCooke commented 9 years ago

Laving open to remind me to remove the empty method in the next TP release.