thinkle / gourmet

Gourmet Recipe Manager
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Ingredients and instruction not saving #365

Closed ockham closed 11 years ago

ockham commented 11 years ago

Converted from SourceForge issue 3018283, submitted by SourceForge user nobody on 2010-06-19 02:08:45 UTC.

Description is saving Ingredients and instruction not saving.........please help............

ockham commented 11 years ago

Submitted by SourceForge user thomas_hinkle on 2010-07-10 01:29:56 UTC.

Thanks for the report. This was unicode related, and caused by a debug statement accidentally left in the release version. This is fixed in GIT head and should be fixed in the next release.

ockham commented 11 years ago

Submitted by SourceForge user tfroehlich on 2010-07-01 21:18:14 UTC.


I have the same problem. I typed in a long list of integredients and a smaller text of instruction. Between new integredients I was hitting the save button. In the Receipe View many of my integredients were missing. Whatever I tried, no integredients more were shown there. Only where I was typing the integredients were shown up. After all I was closing it and got asked, if I wanted to save it. I hit the Save button and the window got closed. As I wanted to correct something and opend it again, the integredients and instruction was missing. This bug appears permanently! My Husband says, that you need an example of my integredients. So here you are. This are the integredients of a dip: Öl (wahlweise) 200 ml Vollmilch 3 EL Mehl (glatt) 1 TL Honig 1 EL Brunch Hölle (viel Knoblauch mit Frischkäse) (wahlweise) 1 St. Knoblauchpaste (3cm) und 1 EL Frischkäse (wahlweise) 3 cm Senf 7 cm Tomatenmark 1 Prise Zwiebel, gerieben 1 Prise Paprika edelsüß 2 Prise Paprika scharf 3 Prise Cayennepfeffer 3 Prise Chilligewürz 1 Prise Basilikum, getrocknet The integredients entries that were missing were: Senf, Tomatenmark and Knoblauchpaste. Hope, my Comment was helpful. Best regads, Cailean.