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Open Badges 101 course
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Decide on badges that can be earned through Open Badges 101 course #34

Open dajbelshaw opened 9 years ago

dajbelshaw commented 9 years ago

We've lots of options for issuing badges for those who take part in the Open Badges 101 course. Let's discuss the options in this thread.

As a prompt, here's a taxonomy that @bryanmathers and I put together.

Open Badges taxonomy

What do you think? Should we badge each module? Should we simply have a single completion badge?

Decisions so far:

Leslie5 commented 9 years ago

Hi Doug & Bryan. I think that because Open Badges are still so very new to a large sector of the world (hard to believe) and there are so many diverse audiences - maybe an overarching approach would be to have the best of most the learner an on demand road map with feedback for content progression and gamification elements (accommodating Millenials and those with short attention spans (may span various age groups), points for milestones (modules eaten) Yummy! Then the badge awarded when crossing the finish line....I work with folks from 3 sides of the fence: the independent learner, professional training and dev, and higher ed. Higher Ed seems to have the hardest time accepting this concept for two reasons: 1.)They like to hold on to the familiar and old ways of doing things, 2.) They fear this approach diminishes the credibility of diplomas, and credentials....tough crowd!!!!!! I know we can't win everyone, just trying to shed some light on things I have encountered when working on badging projects. Considering that by 2020, 40% of the workforce will be Millenials, it only makes sense to design and architect with this in mind.

bryanmathers commented 9 years ago

Thanks for your support Leslie! There are definitely diverse audiences - something we're trying to feed into the content of the course. Feel free to make any suggestions here: Much appreciated

paulmartin42 commented 9 years ago
KimNCS commented 9 years ago

We are just starting to use badges at New College through Moodle. We had the same questions and like paulmartin42 were keen not to award badges for just being there. We want them to be seen as something with value and worth striving for. Conversely we don't want them to be too hard to achieve. The first course we've awarded them on is a staff development course on learning design. Those that completed the course and uploaded their final task were awarded a badge.

dajbelshaw commented 9 years ago

Thanks @paulmartin42 and @KimNCS! Given that the 'conceptual size' of a badge can be seen through the criteria and evidence, I was wondering whether issuing a badge for an intention to complete the course might be worthwhile?

Absolutely agree about having one for motivational purposes - just asking whether we can kickstart that motivation and show how badges can be used for pretty much any purpose?

KimNCS commented 9 years ago

I like the idea of a badge for intention - followed hopefully by a badge of completion. However how do we assess intention? Is it just by signing up - or maybe completing an early forum activity?

dajbelshaw commented 9 years ago

So I think a badge for signing up could work - although I like the idea of an activity. If we get the signup right, then individuals' profile images should show up on the front page:

Profile images

KimNCS commented 9 years ago

I think sign-up, complete a profile and forum introduction where they also say what they hope to get out of the module. For me that suggests more of an intent. We could have an early activity asking what kinds of achievements they would award badges for (or expect badges for).

dajbelshaw commented 9 years ago

Perfect. So let's badge intention. I'll add that to the message kicking off this thread.

OK, so what else should we badge? :)

MikeySwales commented 9 years ago

How about Research and Understanding (1 or 2 badges) for dentifying existing badge projects (awareness of other Badgers has to be a good thing) and an Understanding of the purpose and application of Open badges. Existing images (nice images) suggest you would badge for Badge scheme development and becoming an issuer? What about a peer award for attractive Badge design (the image) and another for an understandable achievable non-ambiguous rubric. I hate getting assignments where I just can't work out what evidence is wanted.

dajbelshaw commented 9 years ago

Thanks @MikeySwales - can you think of a trigger point during the existing structure of the course where these could be earned/issued/claimed? :)

KimNCS commented 9 years ago

I like the idea of a peer award - introduces a collaborative element.

jonkruithof commented 9 years ago

Peer awards really showcase the power of badges and I'd add my +1 for that in almost any situation. I'd like to see the signup/profile type badge have some meta content explaining why these are valuable in some contexts, but may not be valuable in others.

As it's an open course, it'd be interesting to award yourself a badge based on why you're interested in this course - again a meta-exercise to help you group with like-minded people. Perhaps that's tied to intention? Of course, it'd be an opt-in process, so if you didn't feel that you fit into any of the options it wouldn't prevent you from going further in the course. The badge could be awarded by completion of the intention survey (depending on how one answers the survey).

MikeySwales commented 9 years ago

It's odd that there is no reply button on specific comments ... " can you think of a trigger point during the existing structure of the course where these could be earned/issued/claimed? :)" I suggest that Research and Understanding are part of the Know module and Badge & Rubric design in the How module. I'd like to see something somewhere about the coding behind Badges, I dont know anything at all about that, how it works, what sort of server structure or other hardware system might be needed by an Org to offer them, if not using a service route (peeron, credly etc.) Higher Ed is going to want to Host thier own. But where do I learn about that to drive it?

dajbelshaw commented 9 years ago


I've created the Open Badge Awareness badge (well, @bryanmathers had already created the image, so I just did the criteria...)

What I'd really like to do is to automatically pull in the 'Experts' images (i.e. those who have been issued this badge) from P2PU to be shown at the bottom of the #OB101 page.

I wonder if @dirkcuys or @ercchy knows if there's a way to do this?

ercchy commented 9 years ago

There actually isn't, at least not programaticaly. The only API there is, is just about the badge, but not of the experts. So sorry.

dajbelshaw commented 9 years ago

@ercchy No worries! Was just a thought. :)