thinktandem / tandem

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Lando GUI eg Solo? #165

Open pirog opened 4 years ago

pirog commented 4 years ago

There is a huge part of me that hates myself for even suggesting what i am about to suggest BUT, i've spent the last week or so doing some "casual research" on both MAMP and Local by Flywheel and it occurs to me that

  1. There is a market here
  2. We can probably provide a better overall product for less money, assuming we got the design right
  3. We can probably recreate their "free" offerings without a ton of effort eg literally MAMP

So we might want to consider something like

  1. Creating an electron app, working name "Solo", that just allows users to spin up a VERY basic mamp stacks eg select a directory with a built web app and that is basically it and see if that is generally popular or not, if so..
  2. We can consider a pro version with more sophisticated features: eg other services, version swapping, build steps, automatic updates, holodroid, framework eg drupal support, terminal access, and consider a subscription model. i do not think that adding these extra things would be a huge problem
  3. If the upcoming docker mutagen sync is stable then we would be able to achieve speed similar to MAMP/Local which has always been a bug problem with this kind of offering
  4. I also think it is VERY important that people not realize this is lando under the hood so we can market it as its own thing without assumptions being carried over eg "more free stuff"

cc @reynoldsalec @dustinleblanc