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Thiago Website Fixes: Sections #233

Open labboy0276 opened 3 years ago

labboy0276 commented 3 years ago



Although embedding the video right in the "tout" is nice for putting the content front and center, it's more useful with the accompanying article, so I recommend, figuring out a brand treatment for background images, and making this component work like the rest (in this case cloud city full bleed, maybe with John’s face or Mr. Leblanc's face). You want folks to get to the blog page, read it, share it, so don't make it easier to circumscribe it, especially when the content within enriches the experience and your seo yadda yadda.


"Let us build. Something great. Together." - is grammatically incorrect for many reasons. Make it a sentence, "Let's build something great, together." The three dots are also visually awkward beyond the grammatical issues of putting punctuation on sentence fragments, especially when the rest of the fragments that would make it a full sentence appear together. “This is how we do it” - white-space: break-spaces



Consider using a basic body font for the listing here, and maybe toying with the contrast of the horizontal rules - the site exhibit's a great restraint when it comes to content, so much of it is quite digestible with the rich display fonts used (Avenir Next Black, and Galaxie Bold), but between all the horizontal rules, perhaps too much white space (wow! what a great problem to have), and "display type overload" it kinda dazzles the senses. | See Screenshot » |

Similar content elsewhere should get the same alignment, padding, tweaking. I accidentally reloaded before capturing css changes for this one: padding around containers is increased, specially padding bottom, some flex order stuff on some of the ‘side by side ones’, alignment of titles to baseline of list items is very important.... it was pretty straightforward, and am happy to recreate if desired. Normalizing heading sizes between custom blocks, and section titles is also key.



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labboy0276 commented 3 years ago

I did what I could here, the Blog parts are unclear, I will let Thiago know. I am not sure what he wants with the Work section, I need specific CSS changes for that.