thinktandem / tandem

All the things that power the Tandem engine
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Thiagospiff #257

Open reynoldsalec opened 3 years ago

reynoldsalec commented 3 years ago

Trying this here to see if the Platform PR build works.

reynoldsalec commented 3 years ago

Hey @thiagodemellobueno, glad to have you back on the scene!

Merged things over here because I was worried your cross-repo PR was causing build issues, but it turned out to just be linting fun 🙄

Let's chat about this, definitely some of our priorities have changed so we should reconnect around that and see what we want to do with the work in progress so far.

thiagodemellobueno commented 3 years ago

:+1: Linting has gotten really intense of late in our multi - language multi package world. Glad to chat at your convenience.

reynoldsalec commented 3 years ago

@thiagodemellobueno here are the items we discussed today when looking at the PR environment

I'd keep on the look-out for any other text inconsistencies.

thiagodemellobueno commented 3 years ago

Nav background is fine in Firefox (if you wanna preview). First chromium/firefox xbrowser bug I've seen in some time.

reynoldsalec commented 3 years ago

Couple things that are blocking merge right now (@thiagodemellobueno you're off the hook on these, appreciate you going the extra mile to clean up the other stuff, we can chat on Slack about setting you up with a budget to fix these up if you're interested).

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