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Let's audit our current/old engineering docs and spin up a plan for things we need to move/modify/add #55

Closed pirog closed 5 years ago

pirog commented 5 years ago

What is to be done?

We have moved and updated some old engineering docs to this new docs site: We also have a bunch of older "engineering" docs spread throughout the old docs site (u: tandem, p: tandem). NOTE that "engineering" docs are not necessarily confined to the "writing code" section of the older docs.

We need to audit the new and old materials and determine what things need to be updated, moved over to the new site (or not moved over), how they should be organized, etc. For things that do require updating (eg are no longer in line with on the ground practices) we need suggestions for updating those things. We also might want to recommend/suggest any obvious "gaps" in our engineering docs/guides eg things we might want to make in subsequent tasks.

This task should end up with basically audit recommendations and new follow up tasks to implement said recommendations. That said, we are not looking to make HUGE changes right now, let's just "get things in order and alignment" and set a new foundation. If there are "big" recommendations they can be converted to discussions for a later time.

Task checklist

Next steps(s)

One of the purposes of this card is to fill out this section

mikemilano commented 5 years ago

@pirog this is pretty abstract so we probably need to meet to discuss.

I believe #2 is related and we should consider better defining, or enhancing the git workflow.

pirog commented 5 years ago

@mikemilano alright

pirog commented 5 years ago

@mikemilano so i also scanned through the old engineering docs and the only obvious thing i saw that looked worth moving into our new docs was

A bunch of the other docs looked like they might be better served/encapsulated in various seeds/start states

I think all of the other "engineering" type docs beyond those seem like they are either too brittle or likely-documented-better-elsewhere to be worth keeping. Eg there has go to be a better article than something we've written to describe something like, and im ditto for a good deal of something like

Anyway, hope that helps!

mikemilano commented 5 years ago



Copy it over, as-is. This is a good doc. As noted in my original review, it might be able to be made more concise, but I'm not sure the effort to is justified based on that alone.

Common Tools:

I agree that this should be more of a policy, and if so, does it belong more in "Guidelines"?

A list of common tools and start states however would be valuable. I'm not sure if that belongs here, or in an external project, but it might make sense to assign "Tool & Process Maintainer" for each type of tech, and allot that person the responsibility to keep the list of tech for that area up to date.

i.e. Drupal: John Vue: Dustin Node: Mike P


Setting up a project

At the very least, the link needs to be updated as it points to a deprecated repo.

This feels pretty light, but I suspect it would take some work to figure out how to articulate when we may use travis or circle ci, when we use one over the other, and then more detail on how to set those up.

We also may want to break this up into the "tech types" as they are in the common tools section, and since project setup may change as tools or config changes, we may want to use a similar "maintainer" process to keep the setup documentation in check.

How often are we setting up project? The answer to this should weight into how much attention we give any changes here. What is there may be sufficient with current external links.

pirog commented 5 years ago

@mikemilano im going to close this out and spin up more narrow and actionable tickets based your comments