Let's leverage internal expertise and setup a process to facilitate internal training or exploration sessions for technology that anyone is passionate about to lead sessions on.
For example, there seems to be interest in Symfony; I could set aside time for a show & tell, and q & a session. Alternatively, there may have been some lessons learned from the last major Vue project and someone thinks it would be valuable to drop new knowledge on the team.
Topics may be anything related to our industry. i.e. Programming languages, frameworks, infrastructure, project management, sales, etc. Technology topics do not need to align with our current offerings however more time may be allowed to explore topics which have obvious value.
These could serve as practice/feedback session for a camp/con/training session as well.
As a distributed company, there may be value in a "team building" sense even when topics are unrelated to work if there's a common interest elsewhere... probably rare, but for that reason we may opt to leave the topic unrestricted.
Ideas to start this off:
Employees with passion and expertise in a particular subject can volunteer to lead a session
Sessions are either "official" (conducted during work hours) or "unofficial" (lunch or after hours)
Everyone get [1 hour per ____] to participate in "official" sessions; Management may increase this based on the value of the topic.
Allowed could be weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or whenever someone has something to share.
Sessions can be formal presentations, informal discussions, or group exploration
Slack and standups are used to propose and gauge interest in topics
Session leads are allowed an hour of prep time. Management may increase this basd on the value of the topic
Let's leverage internal expertise and setup a process to facilitate internal training or exploration sessions for technology that anyone is passionate about to lead sessions on.
For example, there seems to be interest in Symfony; I could set aside time for a show & tell, and q & a session. Alternatively, there may have been some lessons learned from the last major Vue project and someone thinks it would be valuable to drop new knowledge on the team.
Topics may be anything related to our industry. i.e. Programming languages, frameworks, infrastructure, project management, sales, etc. Technology topics do not need to align with our current offerings however more time may be allowed to explore topics which have obvious value.
These could serve as practice/feedback session for a camp/con/training session as well.
Ideas to start this off: