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Need to Develop A Better Client Qualification Process #67

Open labboy0276 opened 5 years ago

labboy0276 commented 5 years ago


Currently we will pretty much onboard a client if they give us money. We like money, but sometimes these clients can be difficult to work with for a variety of reasons. We need to identify a high level checklist to continue talks with clients in the sales process.

We should also take into account if a client is willing to adhere to our processes down the road. Which has happened in the past.

Ticket Checklist

Make sure you complete the following checklist

Ping some folks!

Hey @pirog @reynoldsalec @dustinleblanc @mikemilano @serundeputy what would be your high level qualifications for accepting a client into Tandem?

Follow up tasks

To Follow...

mikemilano commented 5 years ago

It think risks to consider up front fall into 3 categories;

Those that would compromise:

Here are some factors that could compromise us.

pirog commented 5 years ago

I really like how @mikemilano distilled things above here.

Another less sexy category or consideration here could be a "risk threshold" eg the amount of risk we are willing to accept based on any immediate financial realities. obviously if we are flush with cash and have a full pipe we can be more selective and obviously if we need the $$$ we have to accept more risk.