Der Thinktecture RelayServer ermöglicht eine bidirektionale, sichere Kommunikation von Clients, mobilen Endgeräten und Applikationen mit On-Premises-Applikationen hinter Routern und Firewalls über das HTTPS-Protokoll bei vollständiger zentraler Kontrolle und Auditierung der zulässigen Teilnehmer und der erlaubten Daten.
when using new() to initialize fields, ReSharper suggests adding the type explicitly (RotateCertificateFileStore::22)
Do we want to allow new() without type? --> Configure inspection style, otherwise fix code
Do we want to use matching patterns?
Would change this: request.BodySize > 0 && request.BodyContent == null
to this: response is { BodySize: > 0, BodyContent: null, }
in both ClientRequestExtensions and TargetResponseExtensions
In PersistenceModelExtensions::73 instance.ClientSecrets.RemoveAll(cs => !other.ClientSecrets.Any(os => os.Id == cs.Id));
ReSharper suggest using .All: instance.ClientSecrets.RemoveAll(cs => other.ClientSecrets.All(os => os.Id != cs.Id));
Use suggestion or disable inspection?
Things to discuss, but actually low priority:
to initialize fields, ReSharper suggests adding the type explicitly (RotateCertificateFileStore::22
without type? --> Configure inspection style, otherwise fix coderequest.BodySize > 0 && request.BodyContent == null
to this:
response is { BodySize: > 0, BodyContent: null, }
in both
instance.ClientSecrets.RemoveAll(cs => !other.ClientSecrets.Any(os => os.Id == cs.Id));
ReSharper suggest using .All:
instance.ClientSecrets.RemoveAll(cs => other.ClientSecrets.All(os => os.Id != cs.Id));
Use suggestion or disable inspection?