Installing or upgrading using pip install thirdweb-sdk introduces the following error:
File "../nlp/server/connexion/examples/openapi3/helloworld/", line 1, in <module>
from thirdweb import ThirdwebSdk, SdkOptions, MintArg, ListArg
File "/Users/ale/Development/blockchain/test-market-place/test-thirdweb/lib/python3.8/site-packages/thirdweb/", line 1, in <module>
from .modules import *
File "/Users/ale/Development/blockchain/test-market-place/test-thirdweb/lib/python3.8/site-packages/thirdweb/modules/", line 2, in <module>
from .nft import NftModule as NftModuleV2
File "/Users/ale/Development/blockchain/test-market-place/test-thirdweb/lib/python3.8/site-packages/thirdweb/modules/", line 6, in <module>
from thirdweb_eth_account.messages import encode_structured_data
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'thirdweb_eth_account'
Moreover on git the last tag is 0.5.0 I cannot find an easy way to try to fix the error.
Any update on this? I see there is active work being done on v2 - any timeline on when the docs and guides will be updated and v2 for python SDK will be released?
Installing or upgrading using pip install thirdweb-sdk introduces the following error:
Moreover on git the last tag is 0.5.0 I cannot find an easy way to try to fix the error.