thirdy / durian

Path of Exile Items watcher
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Tutorial #63

Closed kyri0 closed 8 years ago

kyri0 commented 8 years ago

I keep complaining that GGG doesn't add a tutorial for new players, and in some ways, Durian is like PoE, having an initial steep learning curve, so I believe we should have a tutorial for how Durian works, and a FAQ.

I think this tutorial should be in Durian, like be showed as a pop up when you open it (with an option to not show it again). Or just put it in the help tab, anyway.

I'll start writing one today, but if you guys wanna give it a help, please post here what you think that should be in it, especially in the FAQ.

zocke1r commented 8 years ago

Some information on how mod groups work would be great

kyri0 commented 8 years ago

@zocke1r Indeed. For now, untill @thirdy comes up with a better way to search for mod groups, they're really complicated to do. Well, not to search, that's actually easy, you just need to type the term, but to create them. I was trying to come up with a way to explain some of it to you, but it's simply beyond me to clarify it. I'm sorry. I believe that it wasn't explained by thirdy yet exactly because it's just to complicated.

kyri0 commented 8 years ago

Finished the first draft:

@thirdy if you could add it to the first post would be great. Just quote everything in a spoiler tag, so it won't make the post gigantic.

kyri0 commented 8 years ago

@zocke1r I got a notification with the following question:

"how do i search for map tiers?"

That's actually a very good question. Right now, handles tier lvl and gem lvl as being the same thing. So, to search for a tier lvl, you would have to use the term 'glvl'. But you'll also have to add map = name=Map in your .txt term files, so you can search like 'map glvl 10', and it will only show tier 10+ maps. I'll change the regex for it to reflect both searches.

zocke1r commented 8 years ago

i did that already in pull request #60 among other things, yeahi posted it but after realizing that handles it like that i removed the question and just modified my terms file to reflect that

kyri0 commented 8 years ago

Lol, you're fast. Btw, you came up with the same regex I did here, but it didn't work for me. Have you tried it there? What I can see here is when I add the '?' to make the characters optional, it stops working.

zocke1r commented 8 years ago

well i check most of my regex using to see if they work as intended, which (g(em)?le?ve?l|(Map)?t(ier)?)(\d+) does match against all desired possibilities, the problem is group1 is no longer the number part, group 5 is and for the range it is group 5 and 6

thirdy commented 8 years ago

note that you can specify which group you want to get.

for example, this can be :

glvl(\d{1,2})-(\d{1,2})-(\d{1,2}) = level_min=$GROUP2&level_max=$GROUP3

crude example sorry.

The logic here is that for,


the place holders $GROUP2 and $GROUP3 would be read as the regex group 2 and 3. You can have as many as group you want even $GROUP99999 (up to the limit of an int in java which is about 2.1 billion. Formally the syntax is $GROUPn where n is the regex group number.

also btw,


is replaced by:


Cheers @kyri0 @zocke1r

zocke1r commented 8 years ago

thank you for that information as to what $MG represents

thirdy commented 8 years ago

Tutorial written by kyrio now in: closing