thirtybees / niara

Niara, thirty bees default theme since v1.1.0.
9 stars 26 forks source link

Broken Smarty translation strings in theme templates #23

Closed kristho91 closed 4 years ago

kristho91 commented 4 years ago

There is currently an issue with translation strings in this theme. When running "npm run scan-translations" I get this:

Broken Smarty translation strings in theme templates:
[ [ 'modules/beesblogrecentposts/views/templates/hooks/home.tpl',
    '{l s=\'Read latest posts from our blog.\' mod=\'beesblog\'}' ],
  [ 'modules/blocknewproducts/views/templates/hook/blocknewproducts_home.tpl',
    '{l s=\'Our\' mod=\'blockbestsellers\'}',
    '{l s=\'new\' mod=\'blockbestsellers\'}',
    '{l s=\'Products\'}',
    '{l s=\'Browse our new arrivals.\' mod=\'blockbestsellers\'}' ],
  [ 'modules/blocklayered/blocklayered.tpl',
    '{l s=\'%1$s: %2$s - %3$s\'|sprintf:${displayPrice price=$filter.values[0]}' ] ]
[13:58:34] Finished 'scan-translations' after 1.92 s
getdatakick commented 4 years ago
{l s=\'%1$s: %2$s - %3$s\'|sprintf:${displayPrice price=$filter.values[0]}

is a false possitive. Obviously the scan-translation tool needs some improvements, as it can't handle nested curly brackets