A lot of the Bourbon mixins are deprecated - can be seen when running "npm run compile-css":
[15:01:10] Starting 'compile-css'...
WARNING: [Bourbon] [Deprecation] `keyframes` is deprecated and will be removed in 5.0.0. We suggest using an automated prefixing tool, like Autoprefixer.
on line 10 of node_modules/bourbon/app/assets/stylesheets/_bourbon-deprecate.scss, in mixin `-bourbon-deprecate`
from line 17 of node_modules/bourbon/app/assets/stylesheets/_bourbon-deprecate.scss, in mixin `-bourbon-deprecate-for-prefixing`
from line 3 of node_modules/bourbon/app/assets/stylesheets/css3/_keyframes.scss, in mixin `keyframes`
from line 226 of sass/product.scss
[15:01:15] gulp-notify: [Gulp notification] Theme CSS compilation successful for Niara
[15:01:15] Finished 'compile-css' after 4.6 s
The Bourbon maintainers are suggesting using Autoprefixer for a replacement. So for the sake of removing some technical debt, I think this should be done.
Maybe it will be possible to remove Bourbon entirely - I have not checked all the code.
A lot of the Bourbon mixins are deprecated - can be seen when running "npm run compile-css":
The Bourbon maintainers are suggesting using Autoprefixer for a replacement. So for the sake of removing some technical debt, I think this should be done.
Maybe it will be possible to remove Bourbon entirely - I have not checked all the code.