thirtybees / niara

Niara, thirty bees default theme since v1.1.0.
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scrollTo inconsistent behavior #45

Open pjrp opened 3 years ago

pjrp commented 3 years ago

ScrollTo plugin seems not to be working. It´s used in blocklayered.js and history.js

Tested in latest Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Android Browser

It is called when clicking pager links, leyared filter color-group, etc.

Expected behavior is to scroll to the top of '.product_list'.

Plugin requires jQuery >= v1.4, Thirtybees loads(?) jQuery v1.11.0 + jQuery Migrate v1.2.1

Any proposed solution?

pjrp commented 3 years ago

Can someone please confirm if slide up is working after applying layered navigation filter?

pjrp commented 3 years ago

Issued a pull request to address the usability issues below. Please review it in a installation with a larger product list, with more products per page and visible pagination.

  1. slideup plugin not working consistently in current browsers Use basic jquery solution instead.

  2. Urls with pagination or filter parameters should not fire the slide up action on page load. If there's any filter or pagination # in the url, reloadContent() forces slide up and the user jumps to the top of product list. To replicate enable a filter or pagination. Scroll down, click a product link and then browse back to the product list. The default browser behavior (to return to the previous scroll position) is overwritten - the scroll position jumps up. It's specialty frustrating to mobile users because loosing the scroll position sometimes force lengthy scroll downs.