thisbejim / Pyrebase

A simple python wrapper for the Firebase API.
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THIS REPO UNMAINTAINED - 3 new successor repos here #435

Open Lxstr opened 1 year ago

Lxstr commented 1 year ago
  1. Firebase-rest-api new which has firestore, auth and sso support which uses google cloud APIs. (My current choice)
  2. Firebase-admin-python is the google SDK which lacks password auth

EDIT: These below are unmaintained:

  1. Pyrebase4 seems to be maintained although still using Oauth2Client.
  2. Pirebase using gcloud-auth in place of depecated Oauth2Client.

Please correct me if I'm mistaken. Also would be great to get a clearer picture of feature comparison.

Leaving this issue open for visibility until archived or marked deprecated

pquentin commented 1 year ago

Additionally, urllib3 2.0 and requests-toolbelt 1.0.0 have removed Google App Engine support that this library relies upon: see for more details. This also affects, but the others are fine.

AlejandroPG10 commented 1 year ago
  1. Firebase-rest-api new which has firestore, auth and sso support which uses google cloud APIs. (My current choice)
  2. Firebase-admin-python is the google SDK which lacks password auth

EDIT: These below are unmaintained: 3. Pyrebase4 seems to be maintained although still using Oauth2Client. 4. Pirebase using gcloud-auth in place of depecated Oauth2Client.

Please correct me if I'm mistaken. Also would be great to get a clearer picture of feature comparison.

Leaving this issue open for visibility until archived or marked deprecated

Hi, I'm trying to use firebase-rest-api for my app just because pyrebase stopped working. Now I'm trying to compile my apk just I used with buildozer. I've never had any problem by using pyrebase.

Now I can not compile it correctly because even I can create my apk, then it crashes on any android device. I'm pretty sure it is because requirements on buildozer.spec file.

If you are using firebase-rest-api, could you tell me which requirements should I use?

This are mine:

requirements = python3,kivy==2.1.0,kivymd==1.1.1,kivygradient,firebase-admin,firebase-rest-api,grpcio,Pillow,grpcio-status,pkce,proto-plus,cachecontrol,msgpack,requests,requests-toolbelt,certifi,charset-normalizer,idna,urllib3,google-api-core,google-auth,cachetools,pyasn1-modules,pyasn1,rsa,pyasn1,googleapis-common-protos,protobuf,google-api-python-client,google-auth-httplib2,httplib2,pyparsing,uritemplate,google-cloud-firestore,google-cloud-core,proto-plus,google-cloud-storage,google-resumable-media,google-crc32c

I really would like to be able again to compile my apk by using buildozer like I used to do.

Regards, Alejandro