thisbeyond / solid-dnd

A lightweight, performant, extensible drag and drop toolkit for Solid JS.
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Transform transition on sortables bugged in Board example? #112

Open paxee opened 1 week ago

paxee commented 1 week ago

Normal preview nothing touched:

Added transition for the sortable elements:

After dragging a sortable, upon release (drop) sometimes other sortables re-trigger transform transition animation...

Anyone know why does this happen and how to fix it? Thanks a lot

martinpengellyphillips commented 1 week ago

In short, haven't got this supported yet. I tried a while back to think about how to better support animation / transition but didn't get to a solution. One day I might give it another go.

paxee commented 1 week ago

Hey Martin, thanks for the fast response, I found an ugly workaround which seems to work without touching the lib - using this inline style on the sortable element for now.

style={{    ...maybeTransformStyle(sortable.transform),    transition: (sortable.isActiveDraggable || sortable.isActiveDroppable)      ? 'transform 360ms cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.46, 0.45, 0.94)'      : '', }}

edit: fixes the re-triggering while dropping, but there's a problem in case of dragging back without dropping the other sortables directly snap back in place without any transition/animation.

anyway that's all for now, I'll wait for support or try to see if I can fix it in the lib Thanks