thisguymartin / BotanicalBuddy

BotanicalBuddy.NET helps plant enthusiasts track growth, manage care schedules, and get plant recommendations based on geo-location and weather. Built with .NET, it integrates APIs for real-time weather updates and educational content.
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Feature Suggestions: IoT Irrigation System and Computer Vision Plant Identification #19

Open mdemichele opened 1 week ago

mdemichele commented 1 week ago

Hey man, I really love this project idea!

I know these are pretty time intensive features to build out and I'm sure you've probably thought of them already, but wanted to suggest a couple of features that might be cool to add to the project:

Anyway, just wanted to throw those suggestions out there! Not sure if you're looking to collaborate with anyone on the project, but happy to help out on either of those features or building out the features you already have planned. Either way, let me know!

linear[bot] commented 1 week ago

ME-28 Feature Suggestions: IoT Irrigation System and Computer Vision Plant Identification