thisisdajaaa / codev-feedback-system

Codev's internal feedback system created using React.js, Typescript, TailwindCSS, Next.js, Storybook, MongoDB, Redux, Express.js
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Enhancement - Change the Responses button into View button in the survey card #148

Closed marycastino closed 1 year ago

marycastino commented 1 year ago

Description Currently, the surveyor have no way to view the questionnaire when the status is already Active/Finished. To fix this, the team decided to change the Responses button from the survey card into a View button. Responses are available in the Responses tab anyway.

Acceptance Criteria

  1. Button label is changed from 'Responses' to 'View'
  2. Clicking the View button redirects the user to the questionnaire page.
  3. User cannot edit the questionnaire.