thisismypassport / shrinko8

Shrink (minify) Pico-8 carts, as well as other tools (e..g linting, format conversion)
MIT License
82 stars 6 forks source link

tiny rom support? (export -t out.p8.rom) #6

Closed pancelor closed 1 year ago

pancelor commented 1 year ago

Is there a way to create a "tiny" rom with this tool? the compressor works better than pico8's default, but if I can't get that output as a tiny rom (like you can get in pico8 by typing export -t out.p8.rom) then, for example, the better-compressed result can't be entered into sizecoding contests.

The only way I know how to export ROMs from shrinko8 is with shrinko8 game.p8 out.rom, but out.rom is always a 32K file.

for reference, see the "PICO1K Tools" section of the 0.2.5 release notes or the "tiny cartridges" section of the 0.2.4 release notes. (I don't imagine they're too helpful to you but maybe export -t @clip would be useful while debugging)

thisismypassport commented 1 year ago

Good idea - I've added a "tiny-rom" format, e.g. shrinko8 game.p8 out.rom -f tiny-rom