thisisparker / xword-dl

⬛⬜⬛ Command line tool to scrape crosswords from online solvers and save them as .puz files ⬛⬜⬛
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[Bug] WaPo puzzle with some admittedly weird construction gets parsed incorrectly #208

Open krt222 opened 1 month ago

krt222 commented 1 month ago


I noticed that the puz file for the WaPo's "Sunday, October 20 2024 - Long Division" puzzle gets parsed incorrectly by xword-dl. Admittedly, the particular puzzle is a bit strange (depending on the software used for the displaying of the puzzle, the central row might show up as an all-black row where the cells can (and have to) be filled with the puzzle theme. The theme is used like a border between the "top" and "bottom" halves of the puzzle, however the down clues that begin on the blacked-but-fillable row get mixed up in the resulting file.

I have attached a zip file attached the puz file downloaded via xword-dl, and the puz file downloaded via the open source browser extension Crossword Scraper . I have tested puz files both with cursewords --print however neither of them can parse the clues correctly.

I do not know whether there is a way to parse that kind of puzzle correctly, but I though I should give the heads up.


afontenot commented 3 weeks ago

Here's another weird one. Actually, at first blush, I'm not even sure what the format of the puzzle is. Why is the clue at the bottom 29 across? How are the letters to be filled in? Best guess is first letter of the corresponding down clues, but I'm not sure.

krt222 commented 3 weeks ago

Here's another weird one. Actually, at first blush, I'm not even sure what the format of the puzzle is. Why is the clue at the bottom 29 across? How are the letters to be filled in? Best guess is first letter of the corresponding down clues, but I'm not sure.

This puzzle gets parsed correctly (xword-dl works as expected), and although it might be weird, I think it remains inside the general "weirdness" of crossword standards (the solver has to reconcile the definitions of the clues 120 and 123 across).