thiskurt / wordle-languages

An overview of wordle in different languages
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Wordles of the World #7

Closed rwmpelstilzchen closed 2 years ago

rwmpelstilzchen commented 2 years ago

Hi Kurt,

I compiled a list of Wordles. It covers the ones from your list (with due credit, of course) and some additional ones.


thiskurt commented 2 years ago

Good job, I'm going to link through to that one instead.

rwmpelstilzchen commented 2 years ago

Thanks :-)

thiskurt commented 2 years ago

FYI I don't think you have one of these two Hungarian version in this issue:

And also not the Breton version in this issue:

rwmpelstilzchen commented 2 years ago

Thank you! ^_^

So we still need Cornish and Manx in order to have a full Celtic set…

rwmpelstilzchen commented 2 years ago

Now only Manx is missing…

samanvp commented 2 years ago

Hi @rwmpelstilzchen , I have been working on a universal solver that given a corpus of any language can assist users to solve the puzzle. So far I have tested it for 4 languages.

I am not sure if this is something you'd like to link from your list.


rwmpelstilzchen commented 2 years ago

Hi @samanvp,

Thanks for that! I added it to the tools and miscellanea table.

With regards to optimally solving Wordle, maybe these links would be of interest to you: