thismatters / django-mailinglist

Django package for administering outgoing mailing lists to subscribers.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Error when save a subscription (ADMIN) #12

Closed CARocha closed 4 months ago

CARocha commented 4 months ago

Hello, i have an error when try to save the subscriber in admin my stack is Django>=4.2,<5.1 wagtail>=6.0,<6.1 psycopg2-binary==2.9.9 django-allauth==0.61.1 django-debug-toolbar==4.3.0 django-mailinglist==0.1.7

and this is the error: ValueError at /django-admin/mailinglist/subscription/add/ empty range for randrange() (0, 0, 0)

Exception Location: /Users/user/.pyenv/versions/3.11.4/lib/python3.11/, line 345, in randrange

Any idea to solve this error?

thismatters commented 4 months ago


Could you please post the full traceback? It may be necessary to copy it from the shell (rather than the browser).
