thkl / hap-homematic

a AddOn for HomeMatic CCU3 (Raspberrymatic) that will bring HomeKit to your CCU
MIT License
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readiness test on rock64 (pivccu3) #2

Closed v0r73x closed 4 years ago

v0r73x commented 4 years ago

sorry to disturb you once more @thkl

this is my rooms with devices in it image

when i want to create the instances the room names are different and shows no usable devices image

is that because of pivccu is different to raspberrymatic and could not parse the rooms ?

thkl commented 4 years ago

i am not sure how to implement the current status of the door without a sensor on it ?

v0r73x commented 4 years ago

hahah - same same but different - i was just thinking to write that ^ ^

So - i use vars in homematic where the status is emulating if the door was triggered to close or open. You are right I only can trust what the homeapp says - if someone use the ir remote of the garagedoor its displaying wrong value - but in my family I am the only one who drives - so i use with bike my helmed and ask siri to open the garagedoor - and in the car i made some geomap - when i passes the point (gps coordinates) then the door will open automatically - closure is the same

thkl commented 4 years ago

Ok strange. The easiest way is to glue a optical window sensor on to the door, but i think i am able to fix this also in software :-)

v0r73x commented 4 years ago

that will be nice because my garagedoor is outside and the problem I have is regading waterproof and - if someone want he can steal it from outside I had the situation already that someone steal my "lichtschranke" I modified a little bit this how to and that was working very good for me

v0r73x commented 4 years ago

regarding my alexa issue i'll try this one :+1:

hey siri without a homepod is like talking to your wife - you have to repeat it several times by using an power plugged ipad - because of the missing array mic or I have to switch back to your homebridge plugin to have also all homebridge configured and homematic devices discovered in alexa - because the alexa plugin for homebridge also discover al "learned" devices from homematic (by your plugin) in alexa as well ... I hope you understand my explanation

v0r73x commented 4 years ago

after some weeks the valve service still works ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ I only get faced with some cosmetic issues - if i try to activate sometimes the valves I have to press long on the icon in home app and swipe the swith up/down. Timer are working great but if i ask siri to put on the valves she said everytime "Bewässerung ist ausgestellt" or simmilar... it makes no matter if the actual status is on or off. did you face with same issues?

btw: i saw you integrated the special device GaragedoorService :) I saw the required fields and I have no clue if I can already use it without the sensor - with sw based status - is there a possibility ?

happy "Tag der Arbeit" ,

cheers, Robert

v0r73x commented 4 years ago

I also mentioned, that the motion sensors not update the LUX - I want to try to use this value to activate lights by motion only if the brightness is bad... is that related to my device setup in homematic regarding the status updates? I tried to reduce my dutycycle and could be that i make some misconfig on the HomematicIP motion sensors HmIP-SMI.

and last thing on pvccu3 on rock64: if I update to new release in your WebGui - after pressing Yolo XD - the WebGui freezes and i have to relaod the page - I already tried to wait 5min but it makes no difference. also, the cores of the rock64 are marked as unknown- could be nice to have the right one if possible image

my proc/cpuinfo image

thkl commented 4 years ago

I am not able to control Siri’s reaction on requests. That’s all done by the phone. If the Home App shows status A and Siri responds with status B, that looks like a HomeKit/Siri issue.

Currently it’s not possible to use variables instead of real devices for the garage door service. I will keep this in mind for later versions.

Short question about your motion sensor issue: If any device sends an datapoint update to the ccu, the hap-homematic plugin also receives an event and will update the corresponding HomeKit device. May you please check the values at your ccu webui vs. HomeKit to make sure these values are the same as in HomeKit.

Ah and I use node‘s process information 1:1 to display the CPU informations .. so I’m afraid that’s an node issue 😁

thkl commented 4 years ago

Ah and i know about the reboot issue. I have to come up with a better solution to detect when the server is back from rebooting.