thkl / homebridge-homematic

Homematic plugin for homebridge:
180 stars 49 forks source link

Support for HmIP-SLO #581

Closed CameronVIE closed 3 years ago

CameronVIE commented 4 years ago

Dear Developper,

the support for the sensor would be very important for a lot of ppl who are going to manage shadows automatically if the sun shines very strong into rooms.

I (we) would be very happy to have it supported inside homebridge!

Thank you very much Mario

thkl commented 4 years ago

Ok i will support this here within the next build

CameronVIE commented 4 years ago

Danke dir Thomas! Liebe Grüsse and STAY HEALTHY Mario

CameronVIE commented 4 years ago

Hallo Thomas, hab gelesen, der HmIP-SLO wurde bereits von dir implementiert. Jetzt frage ich mich nur noch, woher könnte ich denn die npm runterladen? Kenne mich leider mit github gar nicht aus! :) Danke für eine kurze Antwort! Viele Grüsse und gsund bleibn Mario

thkl commented 4 years ago

es gibt eine Beta npm install -G homebridge-homematic@0.1.222
ACHTUNG: Diese unterstützt derzeit das Garagentor nicht und ggf müssen alle Geräte in HomeKit neu den Räumen zugewiesen werden. Aber sie hat eine WebOberfläche zur Konfiguration. http://homebridgeip:8090/ .. ab dieser Version muss HB nicht mehr neu starten, wenn neue Geräte in das CCU Gewerk aufgenommen werden.

CameronVIE commented 4 years ago

Vielen Dank Thomas! Werde das mit dem Zuordnen der Geräte im HomeKit auf mich nehmen um die neue Version von dir zu verwenden! Danke sehr!

thkl commented 4 years ago

Es muss nicht passieren, ich habe extra drauf geachtet, die gleichen UUIDs zu generieren wie das alte API. Aber da ich eigentlich das Plugin nicht mehr aktiv verwende kann ich nicht garantieren das es geht ;)

CameronVIE commented 4 years ago

Oje - jetzt ist alles im HomeKit weg :(

[4/18/2020, 9:47:24 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] [Core] init HomeMatic Platform [4/18/2020, 9:47:24 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] [Core] merging configurations [4/18/2020, 9:47:24 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Updating dynamic schema /homebridge/.homebridge-homematic-v1.schema.json [4/18/2020, 9:47:24 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Homematic Plugin Version 0.1.222 [4/18/2020, 9:47:24 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Plugin by thkl [4/18/2020, 9:47:24 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Homematic is a registered trademark of the EQ-3 AG [4/18/2020, 9:47:24 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Please report any issues to [4/18/2020, 9:47:24 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] running in production mode [4/18/2020, 9:47:24 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] will connect to your ccu at [4/18/2020, 9:47:24 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] IMPORTANT !! Starting this version, your homematic custom configuration is located in /homebridge/homematic_config.json [4/18/2020, 9:47:24 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Spawning homebridge-homematic configuration service with PID 6988 [4/18/2020, 9:47:24 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] [CCUManager] Manager initialized at [4/18/2020, 9:47:24 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] [Core] if PONG is PONG CCU is alive [4/18/2020, 9:47:24 PM] [HomeMatic Configuration Service] [Config] Running Configuration Service [4/18/2020, 9:47:24 PM] [HomeMatic Configuration Service] [Config] Running Configuration Server on Port 8090 [4/18/2020, 9:47:24 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] [Core] Publishing Accessories (node:6952) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: Cannot read property 'generate' of undefined at new Service.SunshineService (/homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-homematic/ChannelServices/HomeMaticHomeKitWeatherStationServiceIP.js:124:27) at PlatformAccessory.addService (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge/lib/platformAccessory.js:44:15) at HomeMaticHomeKitWeatherStationServiceIP.getService (/homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-homematic/ChannelServices/HomeKitGenericService.js:130:31) at HomeMaticHomeKitWeatherStationServiceIP.createDeviceService (/homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-homematic/ChannelServices/HomeMaticHomeKitWeatherStationServiceIP.js:176:33) at new HomeKitGenericService (/homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-homematic/ChannelServices/HomeKitGenericService.js:119:12) at new HomeMaticHomeKitWeatherStationServiceIP (/homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-homematic/ChannelServices/HomeMaticHomeKitWeatherStationServiceIP.js:6:1) at HomeMaticServiceClassLoader.loadChannelService (/homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-homematic/HomeMaticServiceClassLoader.js:154:29) at /homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-homematic/index.js:300:36 at () at /homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-homematic/index.js:237:27 (node:6952) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). To terminate the node process on unhandled promise rejection, use the CLI flag --unhandled-rejections=strict (see (rejection id: 1) (node:6952) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.

thkl commented 4 years ago

Wirf mal temporär die Wetterstation aus dem Gewerk. Der Service crasht. Schau ich mir an.

CameronVIE commented 4 years ago

Ich habe gar keine Wetterstation :)

thkl commented 4 years ago

Aber dieser Service crasht 🤪 Na Momentchen

CameronVIE commented 4 years ago

Vielleicht der Aussentemp- und Luftfeuchtemesser.... Ich entHomeKitte den mal

CameronVIE commented 4 years ago

Besser, aber trotzdem noch keine Geräte in HKit

[4/18/2020, 9:56:47 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] [Core] Publishing Accessories [4/18/2020, 9:56:49 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] [ServiceClassLoader] There is no service for HmIP-SLO:COND_SWITCH_TRANSMITTER (node:7220) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: Cannot read property 'serviceClassName' of undefined at HomeMaticServiceClassLoader.loadChannelService (/homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-homematic/HomeMaticServiceClassLoader.js:171:78) at /homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-homematic/index.js:300:36 at () at /homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-homematic/index.js:237:27 at () at HomeMaticPlatform.updateAccesories (/homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-homematic/index.js:234:32) at HomeMaticPlatform.buildAccessories (/homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-homematic/index.js:216:12) at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:97:5) (node:7220) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). To terminate the node process on unhandled promise rejection, use the CLI flag --unhandled-rejections=strict (see (rejection id: 1) (node:7220) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code. [4/18/2020, 9:56:49 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] [CCUManager] will cache ccu response to /homebridge/ccu.json

thkl commented 4 years ago

npm install -g homebridge-homematic@0.1.223

CameronVIE commented 4 years ago

Mach ich sofort - reboot der HB notwendig?

thkl commented 4 years ago

naja restart damit das plugin neu geladen wird

CameronVIE commented 4 years ago

[4/18/2020, 10:03:37 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] [ServiceClassLoader] There is no service for HmIP-SLO:COND_SWITCH_TRANSMITTER (node:7501) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: Cannot read property 'serviceClassName' of undefined at HomeMaticServiceClassLoader.loadChannelService (/homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-homematic/HomeMaticServiceClassLoader.js:171:78) at /homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-homematic/index.js:300:36 at () at /homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-homematic/index.js:237:27 at () at HomeMaticPlatform.updateAccesories (/homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-homematic/index.js:234:32) at HomeMaticPlatform.buildAccessories (/homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-homematic/index.js:216:12) at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:97:5) (node:7501) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). To terminate the node process on unhandled promise rejection, use the CLI flag --unhandled-rejections=strict (see (rejection id: 1) (node:7501) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code. [4/18/2020, 10:03:37 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] [CCUManager] will cache ccu response to /homebridge/ccu.json

thkl commented 4 years ago

das ist noch der alte fehler die Zeile gibt es nicht mehr .. war eh nur ein debug log will sagen die alte version

CameronVIE commented 4 years ago

wenn ich den HmIP-SLO aus dem Gewerk werfe, spielt es sich zwar noch mehr ab, aber die geräte sind wieder da

thkl commented 4 years ago

ich schau mir das morgen an da wird ein HomeKit Service nicht richtig erzeugt

CameronVIE commented 4 years ago

[4/18/2020, 10:05:54 PM] TypeError: Cannot read property 'setValue' of undefined at /homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-homematic/ChannelServices/HomeMaticHomeKitThermostatServiceIP.js:16:63 at /homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-homematic/ChannelServices/HomeKitGenericService.js:460:11 at /homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-homematic/ChannelServices/HomeKitGenericService.js:688:13 at HomeMaticCCU.getValueRega (/homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-homematic/HomeMaticCCU.js:110:9) at HomeMaticCCU.getValue (/homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-homematic/HomeMaticCCU.js:135:12) at HomeMaticHomeKitIPThermostatService.remoteGetValue (/homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-homematic/ChannelServices/HomeKitGenericService.js:661:25) at HomeMaticHomeKitIPThermostatService.query (/homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-homematic/ChannelServices/HomeKitGenericService.js:458:12) at Characteristic. (/homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-homematic/ChannelServices/HomeMaticHomeKitThermostatServiceIP.js:14:14) at Characteristic.emit (events.js:311:20) at Characteristic.getValue (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge/node_modules/hap-nodejs/lib/Characteristic.js:164:10)

CameronVIE commented 4 years ago

[4/18/2020, 10:06:03 PM] Warning: skipping plugin found at '/usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-homematic' since we already loaded the same plugin from '/homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-homematic'.

CameronVIE commented 4 years ago

[4/18/2020, 10:06:07 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 039 Alarme zuruecksetzen so nothing will work for 039 Alarme zuruecksetzen [4/18/2020, 10:06:07 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 9999 Luca wecken so nothing will work for 9999 Luca wecken [4/18/2020, 10:06:07 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 01 Anwesenheit Mario so nothing will work for 01 Anwesenheit Mario [4/18/2020, 10:06:07 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 02 Anwesenheit Vio so nothing will work for 02 Anwesenheit Vio [4/18/2020, 10:06:07 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 03 Anwesenheit Luca so nothing will work for 03 Anwesenheit Luca [4/18/2020, 10:06:07 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 20 Alarmzone Gartenhuette Status so nothing will work for 20 Alarmzone Gartenhuette Status [4/18/2020, 10:06:07 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 21 Alarmzone Huelle Status so nothing will work for 21 Alarmzone Huelle Status [4/18/2020, 10:06:07 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 22 Alarmzone EG Status so nothing will work for 22 Alarmzone EG Status [4/18/2020, 10:06:07 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 23 Alarmzone WF Status so nothing will work for 23 Alarmzone WF Status [4/18/2020, 10:06:07 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 30 Alarm in Zone GH so nothing will work for 30 Alarm in Zone GH [4/18/2020, 10:06:07 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 31 Alarm in Zone Huelle so nothing will work for 31 Alarm in Zone Huelle [4/18/2020, 10:06:07 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 32 Alarm in Zone EG so nothing will work for 32 Alarm in Zone EG [4/18/2020, 10:06:07 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 33 Alarm in Zone WF so nothing will work for 33 Alarm in Zone WF [4/18/2020, 10:06:07 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 40 Rauch entdeckt EG so nothing will work for 40 Rauch entdeckt EG [4/18/2020, 10:06:07 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 41 Rauch entdeckt WF so nothing will work for 41 Rauch entdeckt WF [4/18/2020, 10:06:07 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 42 Rauch entdeckt 1. Stock so nothing will work for 42 Rauch entdeckt 1 Stock [4/18/2020, 10:06:07 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 43 Rauch entdeckt DG so nothing will work for 43 Rauch entdeckt DG [4/18/2020, 10:06:07 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] [Core] 46 accessories published

CameronVIE commented 4 years ago

OK - last Status: hab den HmIP-SLO wieder unter HomeKit-Gewerke rein - Devices sind da StartUp-Log: [4/18/2020, 10:09:23 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] [Core] Publishing Accessories [4/18/2020, 10:09:25 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] [ServiceClassLoader] There is no service for HmIP-SLO:COND_SWITCH_TRANSMITTER (node:8069) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: Cannot read property 'serviceClassName' of undefined at HomeMaticServiceClassLoader.loadChannelService (/homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-homematic/HomeMaticServiceClassLoader.js:171:78) at /homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-homematic/index.js:300:36 at () at /homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-homematic/index.js:237:27 at () at HomeMaticPlatform.updateAccesories (/homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-homematic/index.js:234:32) at HomeMaticPlatform.buildAccessories (/homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-homematic/index.js:216:12) at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:97:5) (node:8069) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). To terminate the node process on unhandled promise rejection, use the CLI flag --unhandled-rejections=strict (see (rejection id: 1) (node:8069) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code. [4/18/2020, 10:09:25 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] [CCUManager] will cache ccu response to /homebridge/ccu.json

CameronVIE commented 4 years ago

OK _ Danke mal Thomas. Geräte sind übrigends alle im StandardRaum :) Egal! Ich lass sie mal dort, solange wir debuggen! LG aus Wien Mario

CameronVIE commented 4 years ago

Bin jetzt wieder auf die v0.0.219 zurückgegangen, weil ich die Daten brauche, da ich gerade die Glasbruchsensoren montiere (da brauch ich das Handy bei mir). Er liest alles ein aber ich habe alle Geräte DOPPELT :) Bei dem "Sensor-Paar" zeigt einer korrekt an der andere nicht. Restart der HomeBridge half nichts.

thkl commented 4 years ago

BTW : Doppelte Geräte : das Homebridge api 2 speichert einmal mitgeteilte Geräte und publisht die beim Start wieder an HomeKit. Dazu kommen dann natürlich die aus api1 erkannten Geräte. Lösung : im Config Pfad die cachedaccessories.json löschen oder bereinigen

thkl commented 4 years ago

so in 0.1.224 ist der Wetterstationsbug beseitigt. Ebenso der Fehler im IP Thermostat

CameronVIE commented 4 years ago

Hallo Thomas, werde die npm sofort installieren. FRAGE: soll ich die bestehende Version zuvor deinstallieren? INFO: die cachedacc..... json finde ich nicht :(

/homebridge # cd / / # find / -name cachedaccessories.json / #

CameronVIE commented 4 years ago

... 0.1.224 StartUp: Die Fehlermeldungsbereiche der Reihe nach

[4/19/2020, 3:17:48 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] [ServiceClassLoader] There is no service for HmIP-STHO:COND_SWITCH_TRANSMITTER [4/19/2020, 3:17:48 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] [ServiceClassLoader] There is no service for HmIP-SLO:COND_SWITCH_TRANSMITTER [4/19/2020, 3:17:49 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] [ServiceClassLoader] There is no service for HmIP-SLO:COND_SWITCH_TRANSMITTER [4/19/2020, 3:17:49 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 039 Alarme zuruecksetzen so nothing will work for 039 Alarme zuruecksetzen [4/19/2020, 3:17:49 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 9999 Luca wecken so nothing will work for 9999 Luca wecken [4/19/2020, 3:17:49 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 01 Anwesenheit Mario so nothing will work for 01 Anwesenheit Mario [4/19/2020, 3:17:49 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 02 Anwesenheit Vio so nothing will work for 02 Anwesenheit Vio [4/19/2020, 3:17:49 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 03 Anwesenheit Luca so nothing will work for 03 Anwesenheit Luca [4/19/2020, 3:17:49 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 20 Alarmzone Gartenhuette Status so nothing will work for 20 Alarmzone Gartenhuette Status [4/19/2020, 3:17:49 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 21 Alarmzone Huelle Status so nothing will work for 21 Alarmzone Huelle Status [4/19/2020, 3:17:49 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 22 Alarmzone EG Status so nothing will work for 22 Alarmzone EG Status [4/19/2020, 3:17:49 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 23 Alarmzone WF Status so nothing will work for 23 Alarmzone WF Status [4/19/2020, 3:17:49 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 30 Alarm in Zone GH so nothing will work for 30 Alarm in Zone GH [4/19/2020, 3:17:49 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 31 Alarm in Zone Huelle so nothing will work for 31 Alarm in Zone Huelle [4/19/2020, 3:17:49 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 32 Alarm in Zone EG so nothing will work for 32 Alarm in Zone EG [4/19/2020, 3:17:49 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 33 Alarm in Zone WF so nothing will work for 33 Alarm in Zone WF [4/19/2020, 3:17:49 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 40 Rauch entdeckt EG so nothing will work for 40 Rauch entdeckt EG [4/19/2020, 3:17:49 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 41 Rauch entdeckt WF so nothing will work for 41 Rauch entdeckt WF [4/19/2020, 3:17:49 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 42 Rauch entdeckt 1. Stock so nothing will work for 42 Rauch entdeckt 1 Stock [4/19/2020, 3:17:49 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 43 Rauch entdeckt DG so nothing will work for 43 Rauch entdeckt DG [4/19/2020, 3:17:49 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] [Core] 51 accessories published

[4/19/2020, 3:17:49 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] [RPC] server for all interface is listening on port 9090. [4/19/2020, 3:17:49 PM] [Roborock S5max] ERR connect | miio.device, next try in 2 minutes | Error: Could not connect to device, handshake timeout [4/19/2020, 3:17:49 PM] TypeError: Cannot read property 'updateValue' of undefined at HomeMaticHomeKitWeatherStationServiceIP. (/homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-homematic/ChannelServices/HomeMaticHomeKitWeatherStationServiceIP.js:284:36) at HomeMaticHomeKitWeatherStationServiceIP.event (/homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-homematic/ChannelServices/HomeKitGenericService.js:846:26) at /homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-homematic/HomeMaticCCU.js:417:27 at () at HomeMaticCCU.fireEvent (/homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-homematic/HomeMaticCCU.js:412:27) at HomeMaticPlatform.fireEvent (/homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-homematic/index.js:456:23) at /homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-homematic/ChannelServices/HomeKitGenericService.js:694:27 at /homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-homematic/HomeMaticCCU.js:119:11 at /homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-homematic/HomeMaticRegaRequest.js:66:9 at IncomingMessage. (/homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-homematic/HomeMaticRegaRequest.js:42:9) [4/19/2020, 3:17:49 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] [CCUManager] will cache ccu response to /homebridge/ccu.json [4/19/2020, 3:17:49 PM] Got SIGTERM, shutting down Homebridge... [4/19/2020, 3:17:49 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] [RPC] disconnecting all interfaces [4/19/2020, 3:17:49 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] [RPC] Removing Event Server for Interface HmIP-RF. [4/19/2020, 3:17:49 PM] [HomeMatic Configuration Service] [Config] Shutdown Configuration Service [4/19/2020, 3:17:53 PM] Loaded config.json with 1 accessories and 3 platforms. [4/19/2020, 3:17:53 PM] --- [4/19/2020, 3:17:53 PM] Warning: skipping plugin found at '/usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-homematic' since we already loaded the same plugin from '/homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-homematic'. [4/19/2020, 3:17:53 PM] Warning: skipping plugin found at '/node_modules/homebridge-homematic' since we already loaded the same plugin from '/homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-homematic'.

CameronVIE commented 4 years ago

... 0.1.224 - kein Update des Status der Geräte ...

BTW: habe die vorhergehende Version NICHT deinstalliert, sondern quasi "drübergebügelt"!

thkl commented 4 years ago

225 fixt den Fehler oben .. ;O) habe leider keine IP Thermostate zum Test aber ich hatte was vergessen zu prüfen ;)

thkl commented 4 years ago

BTW: Die Unable to parse device address Meldung .. sind das Programme die da aufgelistet werden oder was ist das ?

CameronVIE commented 4 years ago

Unable to parse sind Systemvariable - die 225er mach ich sofort - einfach "drüberbügeln" oder?

thkl commented 4 years ago

ah ja .. .dann ist die Meldung ok. Die haben natürlich nicht den Syntax Interface.Seriennummer:Kanal.Datenpunkt ... das ist aber Wurst denn dem VariablenService ist das egal.

Ja einfach drüber

CameronVIE commented 4 years ago

Der SLO ist jetzt im HomeKit - JUHU! Aber es scheint mit den Updates nichts zu funktionieren! Die Werte der Systemvariablen stimmen nicht im HomeKit. Beim SLO auch nicht - Zeitgt im HK 16k lux und im HM 6k an Auch eine schaltbare Steckdose reagiert auf HK nicht

[4/19/2020, 4:16:17 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] [Core] Publishing Accessories (node:1417) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Cannot add a Service with the same UUID '36d22472-d08e-4124-87ac-368f36141af8' as another Service in this Accessory without also defining a unique 'subtype' property. at PlatformAccessory.addService (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge/lib/platformAccessory.js:52:15) at HomeMaticHomeKitWeatherStationServiceIP.getService (/homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-homematic/ChannelServices/HomeKitGenericService.js:130:31) at HomeMaticHomeKitWeatherStationServiceIP.createDeviceService (/homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-homematic/ChannelServices/HomeMaticHomeKitWeatherStationServiceIP.js:177:33) at new HomeKitGenericService (/homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-homematic/ChannelServices/HomeKitGenericService.js:119:12) at new HomeMaticHomeKitWeatherStationServiceIP (/homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-homematic/ChannelServices/HomeMaticHomeKitWeatherStationServiceIP.js:6:1) at HomeMaticServiceClassLoader.loadChannelService (/homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-homematic/HomeMaticServiceClassLoader.js:154:29) at /homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-homematic/index.js:302:36 at () at /homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-homematic/index.js:239:27 at () (node:1417) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). To terminate the node process on unhandled promise rejection, use the CLI flag --unhandled-rejections=strict (see (rejection id: 1) (node:1417) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code. [4/19/2020, 4:16:18 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] [CCUManager] will cache ccu response to /homebridge/ccu.json

thkl commented 4 years ago

ah ok .. ich bau mal den Wetterstationsservice um ... das dauert etwas

CameronVIE commented 4 years ago

so, 226 installiert und ... 1) alle Geräte "Keine Antwort" im HK 2) StartUp: [4/19/2020, 5:37:58 PM] [HomeMatic Configuration Service] [Config] Shutdown Configuration Service /homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-homematic/PluginConfigurationService/index.js:38 this.server.close() ^

TypeError: Cannot read property 'close' of undefined at PluginConfigurationService.shutdown (/homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-homematic/PluginConfigurationService/index.js:38:17) at process. (/homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-homematic/PluginConfigurationService/index.js:524:7) at process.emit (events.js:311:20) at finish (internal/child_process.js:861:14) at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:79:11)

[4/19/2020, 5:38:06 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] [ServiceClassLoader] There is no service for HmIP-STHO:COND_SWITCH_TRANSMITTER [4/19/2020, 5:38:06 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] [ServiceClassLoader] There is no service for HmIP-SLO:COND_SWITCH_TRANSMITTER [4/19/2020, 5:38:06 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] [ServiceClassLoader] There is no service for HmIP-SLO:COND_SWITCH_TRANSMITTER [4/19/2020, 5:38:06 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 039 Alarme zuruecksetzen so nothing will work for 039 Alarme zuruecksetzen [4/19/2020, 5:38:06 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 9999 Luca wecken so nothing will work for 9999 Luca wecken [4/19/2020, 5:38:06 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 01 Anwesenheit Mario so nothing will work for 01 Anwesenheit Mario [4/19/2020, 5:38:06 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 02 Anwesenheit Vio so nothing will work for 02 Anwesenheit Vio [4/19/2020, 5:38:06 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 03 Anwesenheit Luca so nothing will work for 03 Anwesenheit Luca [4/19/2020, 5:38:06 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 20 Alarmzone Gartenhuette Status so nothing will work for 20 Alarmzone Gartenhuette Status [4/19/2020, 5:38:06 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 21 Alarmzone Huelle Status so nothing will work for 21 Alarmzone Huelle Status [4/19/2020, 5:38:06 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 22 Alarmzone EG Status so nothing will work for 22 Alarmzone EG Status [4/19/2020, 5:38:06 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 23 Alarmzone WF Status so nothing will work for 23 Alarmzone WF Status [4/19/2020, 5:38:06 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 30 Alarm in Zone GH so nothing will work for 30 Alarm in Zone GH [4/19/2020, 5:38:06 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 31 Alarm in Zone Huelle so nothing will work for 31 Alarm in Zone Huelle [4/19/2020, 5:38:06 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 32 Alarm in Zone EG so nothing will work for 32 Alarm in Zone EG [4/19/2020, 5:38:06 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 33 Alarm in Zone WF so nothing will work for 33 Alarm in Zone WF [4/19/2020, 5:38:06 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 40 Rauch entdeckt EG so nothing will work for 40 Rauch entdeckt EG [4/19/2020, 5:38:06 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 41 Rauch entdeckt WF so nothing will work for 41 Rauch entdeckt WF [4/19/2020, 5:38:06 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 42 Rauch entdeckt 1. Stock so nothing will work for 42 Rauch entdeckt 1 Stock [4/19/2020, 5:38:06 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 43 Rauch entdeckt DG so nothing will work for 43 Rauch entdeckt DG [4/19/2020, 5:38:06 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] [Core] 51 accessories published

thkl commented 4 years ago

moment ich hab die SOnnenscheindauer vergessen. Der Fehler taucht nur auf wenn das Plugin beendet wird, bevor es komplett gestartet ist .. haben wir auch gleich

thkl commented 4 years ago


CameronVIE commented 4 years ago

Info kommt gleich 227 Fehlerfrei! :) bis auf [4/19/2020, 5:49:43 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] [ServiceClassLoader] There is no service for HmIP-STHO:COND_SWITCH_TRANSMITTER [4/19/2020, 5:49:43 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] [ServiceClassLoader] There is no service for HmIP-SLO:COND_SWITCH_TRANSMITTER [4/19/2020, 5:49:43 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] [ServiceClassLoader] There is no service for HmIP-SLO:COND_SWITCH_TRANSMITTER

### und, dass halt alle Geräte auf "Keine Antwort" stehen....

thkl commented 4 years ago

wenn das ding keine Errors macht dann sollte es auf jeden Fall die Geräte reagieren

CameronVIE commented 4 years ago

Das ist der status auf allen Geräten keineantwort

CameronVIE commented 4 years ago

Verbindung im HK hab ich, denn andere Devices ausserhalb von HomeMatic kann ich bedienen und die aktualisieren auch

Sehe du hast die 227er entfernt - ich bin aber noch auf der Version

thkl commented 4 years ago

aaah Variablen ... ist in 229 gefixt ...

CameronVIE commented 4 years ago

bin testweise auf die 0.0.219 zurück - und dort hab ich sofort wieder alle geräte live

thkl commented 4 years ago

ich hab auf dem Testsystem auch alle Geräte live das ist ja mein Problem ;o)

CameronVIE commented 4 years ago

shit ... also super - eigentlich :) - aber bei mir sofot "keine antwort". ich werde jetzt nochmals von der 0.0219 auf die 0.1.229 gehen und gebe dir Bescheid

CameronVIE commented 4 years ago

soda - jetzt ONLINE - musste aber die HB nochmals starten. nach dem ersten restart waren wieder alle offline. dann nochmals und jetzt PASST ES (hatte dann noch mal restart der HB gemacht - dann waren wieder alle offline - nach neuerlichen start wieder online) .... Wird wohl mit der CCU3 eher z u tun haben, oder?

LUX ist aktuell bei SLO

witzig ist, dass trotzdem noch Fehlermeldungen da sind (vorallem die vom SLO - der ist definitiv im HK und online)

[4/19/2020, 7:12:07 PM] [Config] Starting terminal session [4/19/2020, 7:12:08 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] [ServiceClassLoader] There is no service for HmIP-STHO:COND_SWITCH_TRANSMITTER [4/19/2020, 7:12:09 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] [ServiceClassLoader] There is no service for HmIP-SLO:COND_SWITCH_TRANSMITTER [4/19/2020, 7:12:09 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] [ServiceClassLoader] There is no service for HmIP-SLO:COND_SWITCH_TRANSMITTER [4/19/2020, 7:12:09 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 039 Alarme zuruecksetzen so nothing will work for 039 Alarme zuruecksetzen [4/19/2020, 7:12:09 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 9999 Luca wecken so nothing will work for 9999 Luca wecken [4/19/2020, 7:12:09 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 01 Anwesenheit Mario so nothing will work for 01 Anwesenheit Mario [4/19/2020, 7:12:09 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 02 Anwesenheit Vio so nothing will work for 02 Anwesenheit Vio [4/19/2020, 7:12:09 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 03 Anwesenheit Luca so nothing will work for 03 Anwesenheit Luca [4/19/2020, 7:12:09 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 20 Alarmzone Gartenhuette Status so nothing will work for 20 Alarmzone Gartenhuette Status [4/19/2020, 7:12:09 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 21 Alarmzone Huelle Status so nothing will work for 21 Alarmzone Huelle Status [4/19/2020, 7:12:09 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 22 Alarmzone EG Status so nothing will work for 22 Alarmzone EG Status [4/19/2020, 7:12:09 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 23 Alarmzone WF Status so nothing will work for 23 Alarmzone WF Status [4/19/2020, 7:12:09 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 30 Alarm in Zone GH so nothing will work for 30 Alarm in Zone GH [4/19/2020, 7:12:09 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 31 Alarm in Zone Huelle so nothing will work for 31 Alarm in Zone Huelle [4/19/2020, 7:12:09 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 32 Alarm in Zone EG so nothing will work for 32 Alarm in Zone EG [4/19/2020, 7:12:09 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 33 Alarm in Zone WF so nothing will work for 33 Alarm in Zone WF [4/19/2020, 7:12:09 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 40 Rauch entdeckt EG so nothing will work for 40 Rauch entdeckt EG [4/19/2020, 7:12:09 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 41 Rauch entdeckt WF so nothing will work for 41 Rauch entdeckt WF [4/19/2020, 7:12:09 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 42 Rauch entdeckt 1. Stock so nothing will work for 42 Rauch entdeckt 1 Stock [4/19/2020, 7:12:09 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] Unable to parse device address 43 Rauch entdeckt DG so nothing will work for 43 Rauch entdeckt DG [4/19/2020, 7:12:09 PM] [HomeMatic CCU3] [Core] 51 accessories published

thkl commented 4 years ago

Unable to parse device address .. ist ok fliegt in der nächsten Version raus ... There is no service for HmIP-SLO:COND_SWITCH_TRANSMITTER heisst das es für COND_SWITCH_TRANSMITTER keinen Homekit Service gibt .. gab es auch in der 219 nicht

Ansonsten kann man unter http://homebridgeIP:8090/ auch nur das Plugin reloaden statt die ganze Bridge

COND_SWITCH_TRANSMITTER ist der Kanal für Schalten bei Konditionen also aus bei > 50% zb ... das müsste CLIMATE_TRANSCEIVER (also Kanal 1) nach Homekit

CameronVIE commented 4 years ago

Alles klar! Vielen Dank für Deinen Einsatz bei diesem Projekt! Wegen dem Webinterface: Das hat bei meinen Tests ausschließlich im Chrom und Opera funktionier. IE und FFox schaffen keine Darstellung. LG Mario