thkl / homebridge-homematic

Homematic plugin for homebridge:
179 stars 49 forks source link

CCU 2 einbinden - wie stelle ich eine Verbindung zu den Geräten her? #698

Open diskbuster opened 2 years ago

diskbuster commented 2 years ago


ich versuche vergeblich die Geräte meiner CCU2 einzubinden.

Homebridge zeigt folgenden Fehler:

[24/11/2021, 12:42:00] [HomeMatic CCU] Error Error: connect ETIMEDOUT executing rega script string sDeviceId;string sChannelId;boolean df = true;Write('{"devices":[');foreach(sDeviceId, root.Devices().EnumIDs()){object oDevice = dom.GetObject(sDeviceId);if(oDevice){var oInterface = dom.GetObject(oDevice.Interface());if(df) {df = false;} else { Write(',');}Write('{');Write('"id": "' # sDeviceId # '",');Write('"name": "' # oDevice.Name() # '",');Write('"address": "' # oDevice.Address() # '",');Write('"type": "' # oDevice.HssType() # '",');Write('"channels": [');boolean bcf = true;foreach(sChannelId, oDevice.Channels().EnumIDs()){object oChannel = dom.GetObject(sChannelId);if(bcf) {bcf = false;} else {Write(',');}Write('{');Write('"cId": ' # sChannelId # ',');Write('"name": "' # oChannel.Name() # '",');if(oInterface){Write('"intf": "' # oInterface.Name() # '",');Write('"address": "' # oInterface.Name() #'.' # oChannel.Address() # '",');}Write('"type": "' # oChannel.HssType() # '",');Write('"access": "' # oChannel.UserAccessRights(iulOtherThanAdmin)# '"');Write('}');}Write(']}');}}Write(']');var s = dom.GetObject("Homekit");string cid;boolean sdf = true;if (s) {Write(',"subsection":[');foreach(cid, s.EnumUsedIDs()){ if(sdf) {sdf = false;} else { Write(',');}Write(cid);}Write(']');}Write('}'); [24/11/2021, 12:42:00] [HomeMatic CCU] [Core] ok local cache is set to /var/lib/homebridge/ccu.json [24/11/2021, 12:42:00] [HomeMatic CCU] [Core] Unable to load cached ccu data. giving up [24/11/2021, 12:42:00] Homebridge v1.3.8 (HAP v0.9.7) (HomeMatic CCU) is running on port 50426. [24/11/2021, 12:42:00] [HomeMatic CCU] Error Error: connect ETIMEDOUT executing rega script Write('PONG') [24/11/2021, 12:42:00] [HomeMatic CCU] if undefined is PONG CCU is alive [24/11/2021, 12:42:02] [HomeMatic CCU] [Core] NPM 0.2.226 vs Local 0.2.226

Kein Ahnung wo der Port 8181 her kommt. Evtl. muß es ein anderer sein?!?

Meine json Datei für das Plugin sieht so aus:

{ "name": "HomeMatic CCU", "ccu_ip": "", "subsection": "Homekit", "enable_hmip": false, "enable_wired": true, "local_port": 9090, "ios10": true, "platform": "HomeMatic", "_bridge": { "username": "0E:93:D2:2E:47:53", "port": 50426 } }

Kann mir jemand helfen, wie ich weiter vorgehen kann um das Problem zu lösen?