thkl / homebridge-homematic

Homematic plugin for homebridge:
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Disable specific chracteristics of a device #709

Open KoMa1978 opened 2 years ago

KoMa1978 commented 2 years ago


I'm using a motion detection device HmIP-SMI and yes it works fine.

But it is discovered/recognized as 2 single accessories in HomeKit, as Motion Detector and as Light Sensor (similar to #141). I do not need the Light Sensor in HomeKit so it would be great if it can be disabled. The only difference I see is in "aid" and "iid".

Motion Sensor:
Motion Detected 0 Status Tampered 0 Status Low Battery 0 Manufacturer EQ-3 Model MOTIONDETECTOR_TRANSCEIVER Name BWM XXXXX Serial Number HmIP-RF.00011122233344:1 Firmware Revision 0.2.226 Homebridge Instance IP Homebridge Instance Port 51111 Homebridge Instance Username AB:CC:DD:EE:FF:11 aid 60 iid 14

Light Sensor: Current Ambient Light Level 11.4 Manufacturer EQ-3 Model MOTIONDETECTOR_TRANSCEIVER Name BWM Treppe Serial Number HmIP-RF.00011122233344:1 Firmware Revision 0.2.226 Homebridge Instance IP Homebridge Instance Port 51111 Homebridge Instance Username AB:CC:DD:EE:FF:11 aid 60 iid 19

Thanks a lot