Closed nikolarobottesla closed 1 year ago
After the .run() call returns. Code will execute normally up until a 'return' then it will hang without error. The below code demonstrates this behavior.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Simple Patch Antenna Tutorial
Tested with
- python 3.10
- openEMS v0.0.34+
(c) 2015-2023 Thorsten Liebig <>
### Import Libraries
import os, tempfile
from pylab import *
from CSXCAD import ContinuousStructure
from openEMS import openEMS
from openEMS.physical_constants import *
def example():
### General parameter setup
Sim_Path = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'Simp_Patch')
post_proc_only = False
# patch width (resonant length) in x-direction
patch_width = 32 #
# patch length in y-direction
patch_length = 40
#substrate setup
substrate_epsR = 3.38
substrate_kappa = 1e-3 * 2*pi*2.45e9 * EPS0*substrate_epsR
substrate_width = 60
substrate_length = 60
substrate_thickness = 1.524
substrate_cells = 4
#setup feeding
feed_pos = -6 #feeding position in x-direction
feed_R = 50 #feed resistance
# size of the simulation box
SimBox = np.array([200, 200, 150])
# setup FDTD parameter & excitation function
f0 = 2e9 # center frequency
fc = 1e9 # 20 dB corner frequency
### FDTD setup
## * Limit the simulation to 30k timesteps
## * Define a reduced end criteria of -40dB
FDTD = openEMS(NrTS=30000, EndCriteria=1e-4)
FDTD.SetGaussExcite( f0, fc )
FDTD.SetBoundaryCond( ['MUR', 'MUR', 'MUR', 'MUR', 'MUR', 'MUR'] )
CSX = ContinuousStructure()
mesh = CSX.GetGrid()
mesh_res = C0/(f0+fc)/1e-3/20
### Generate properties, primitives and mesh-grid
#initialize the mesh with the "air-box" dimensions
mesh.AddLine('x', [-SimBox[0]/2, SimBox[0]/2])
mesh.AddLine('y', [-SimBox[1]/2, SimBox[1]/2] )
mesh.AddLine('z', [-SimBox[2]/3, SimBox[2]*2/3] )
# create patch
patch = CSX.AddMetal( 'patch' ) # create a perfect electric conductor (PEC)
start = [-patch_width/2, -patch_length/2, substrate_thickness]
stop = [ patch_width/2 , patch_length/2, substrate_thickness]
patch.AddBox(priority=10, start=start, stop=stop) # add a box-primitive to the metal property 'patch'
FDTD.AddEdges2Grid(dirs='xy', properties=patch, metal_edge_res=mesh_res/2)
# create substrate
substrate = CSX.AddMaterial( 'substrate', epsilon=substrate_epsR, kappa=substrate_kappa)
start = [-substrate_width/2, -substrate_length/2, 0]
stop = [ substrate_width/2, substrate_length/2, substrate_thickness]
substrate.AddBox( priority=0, start=start, stop=stop )
# add extra cells to discretize the substrate thickness
mesh.AddLine('z', linspace(0,substrate_thickness,substrate_cells+1))
# create ground (same size as substrate)
gnd = CSX.AddMetal( 'gnd' ) # create a perfect electric conductor (PEC)
stop[2] =0
gnd.AddBox(start, stop, priority=10)
FDTD.AddEdges2Grid(dirs='xy', properties=gnd)
# apply the excitation & resist as a current source
start = [feed_pos, 0, 0]
stop = [feed_pos, 0, substrate_thickness]
port = FDTD.AddLumpedPort(1, feed_R, start, stop, 'z', 1.0, priority=5, edges2grid='xy')
mesh.SmoothMeshLines('all', mesh_res, 1.4)
# Add the nf2ff recording box
nf2ff = FDTD.CreateNF2FFBox()
### Run the simulation
if 0: # debugging only
CSX_file = os.path.join(Sim_Path, 'simp_patch.xml')
if not os.path.exists(Sim_Path):
from CSXCAD import AppCSXCAD_BIN
os.system(AppCSXCAD_BIN + ' "{}"'.format(CSX_file))
if not post_proc_only:
FDTD.Run(Sim_Path, verbose=3, cleanup=True)
print("this will print")
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("begin example")
print("this won't print")
print("example finished")
That was a typical very weird threading issue... should be fixed, give it a try please and close this if you agree that it is fixed...
Thanks!, b49bd2a fixes the issue. :)
Meanwhile I used
import sys
import os
as the workaround. os._exit()
is a low-level function that directly terminates the Python interpreter and bypasses cleanup (so it's necessary to flush stdout
and stderr
to avoid lost messages). You can use this workaround if you must use an old version of openEMS for testing purposes.
Hi @thliebig, Beginning with commit 6673aefd70c01dec3be12f27717f9a10563c817b the following code taken from the tutorial hangs prior to exit. I suspect something isn't closing . It will exit normally if you comment out the So it is something that gets started in the .run() process. This bug is breaking for python scripts that use the openEMS class, call the .run() and need to return.