The ZRevRangeCommand performs the following check.
checkType(start, "start must be of type long", new Class[] {Long.class});
If I use this code to send a JsonObject, it won't be considered a Long.
final JsonObject command = new JsonObject();
command.putString("command", "ZRevRange");
command.putString("key", "foo");
command.putNumber("start", 10L);
command.putNumber("end", 90L);
eb.send("vertx.redis-client", command, ....)
but it works like this:
command.putNumber("start", Long.MAX_VALUE);
So somewhere along the way, the Number is "downsized". I think it would be possible to ease/remove the check because start.longValue() will always work because Long is the biggest number type in Java.
The ZRevRangeCommand performs the following check.
checkType(start, "start must be of type long", new Class[] {Long.class});
If I use this code to send a JsonObject, it won't be considered a Long.
final JsonObject command = new JsonObject(); command.putString("command", "ZRevRange"); command.putString("key", "foo"); command.putNumber("start", 10L); command.putNumber("end", 90L);
eb.send("vertx.redis-client", command, ....)
but it works like this:
command.putNumber("start", Long.MAX_VALUE);
So somewhere along the way, the Number is "downsized". I think it would be possible to ease/remove the check because start.longValue() will always work because Long is the biggest number type in Java.