thmoa / semantic_human_texture_stitching

This repository contains texture stitching code corresponding to the paper Detailed Human Avatars from Monocular Video.
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instructions for people-snapshot dataset #37

Open rohitrango opened 2 years ago

rohitrango commented 2 years ago


Thank you for making the code public. I'm trying to run the code for people-snapshot dataset. In step1, I get an error that SMPL vertices are not visible.

Do I need to run octopus on the people-snapshot subject data to get the per-frame vertices?

Could you also specify what configuration did you use to run octopus? I have tried tensorflow-gpu1.13/1.15/2.9 (few more 2.xx versions) and something always seems to break. If you can provide versions of the dependencies it'll be super helpful. Thanks.