thndrbrrr / gimp-stable-boy

GIMP plugin for AUTOMATIC1111's Stable Diffusion WebUI
GNU General Public License v3.0
313 stars 23 forks source link

Not really an issue, but a bit of a solution... #39

Open scottonanski opened 6 months ago

scottonanski commented 6 months ago

There's no discussions for this project so I thought I would post this here in the event that anyone is having problems getting this to work with Automatic1111.

First things first...

There's a better alternative to A1111 that runs faster, and is basically the same thing. It's WebUI Forge. You can grab it here;

Once you have that installed, we can get this up and running to work with GIMP& gimp-stable-boy. I'm using GIMP 2.10.36 in Windows as of this post, so that about as far I can help.

Install gimp-stable-boy just as it says here;

Now, assuming you have WebUI Forge, GIMP, and gimp-stable-boy installed CORRECTLY, it's time to get it up and running!


In your WebUI Forge directory, which should look a little something like this path (or where ever you have it installed);


You're going to find a file in the following directory;


You're going to right-click that file and select "edit" (or open it in some type of editor... whatever. ) Once you have it open, you're going to see a line there to "set" the "command line arguments" . It should read;

set COMMANDLINE_ARGS= Yours might be blank, it might not. I have no idea. I don't use your computer.

Next, you want to pass off TWO arguments into that line, the first is --api and the other is --listen (putting a space between --api & '--listen'). Thus, your command line arguments are going to look like this;

set COMMANDLINE_ARGS= --api --listen

Now, save that son-of-biotch and let's get down to business!

In your root folder where WebUI Forge is installed;


You're going to find a file called;


Double-click that little fucker, and pay attention the the information that it spits out to the console, because that information is going to give you theLOCAL ADDRESS where the webuiis running at. Mind is running on http://localhost:7860. Yours could be different. I don't know. Just pay attention to the console output.

Now, at this point, you can dump that address into your browser and WebUI Forge will be front and center. From here you can chose your checkpoints, loras, and all the rest of that shit. Get that done and out of the way, or not... Because we're about to get this up and running on GIMP.

Assuming you've set everything up correctly, Stable Boy should now be an option in your main menu bar in GIMP;


You're going to click on that and then choose "Preferences", like this;


Now, a little dialogue will popup and you're going to put your local host address in there;


Smash that save button, and you're good to go!

Test out the 'text to image' to see if everything is working;


Here's the console showing it working;


My masterpiece is now finished!


And there you go. A cool fucking GIMP plugin that works!

Just gotta figure out why the inpainting is kind of wonky.